Group Activity The Full, Unedited Trump, Zelenskyy, and Vance Video

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6 Responses

  1. Michael Siegel

    I’ve been toying with an editorial but it’s hard to write about this without getting incandescent with rage. Absolutely shameful display by POTUS and VPOTUS.Report

  2. Jaybird

    Twitter had several observations on this but the ones I thought were interesting touched on:

    Look at Zelenskyy’s relationship with his nose. It’s downright Zizekian. One theory I saw said that Trump, a hardcore teetotal kinda guy, knows enough about cocaine to have timed Zelenskyy’s come-down with this meeting and so he knew that Zelenskyy would blow it up.

    Another talked about Trump’s use of the phrase “you don’t have any cards” and how that idiom doesn’t translate well. Trump was saying something much like “you’ve got a crappy hand that you don’t want to have called” and Zelenskyy heard “you haven’t been dealt into the game”. The phrase that would have made sense to Zelenskyy would be something like “you don’t have any trump cards” (no pun intended) and that would have caused a lot less static.

    The messaging needs to be, shall we say, massaged. The arguments for why we need to be sending Ukraine more aid are not as obvious as the ones making these arguments seem to think and many have been undercut by previous arguments.

    Putin is Hitler? I thought Trump was Hitler. Is the argument that Trump should be like FDR and not Hitler? Because FDR would *NEVER* hand over eastern Europe to Russia?

    “It is in the US’s best interest that Russia lose. This isn’t about Ukraine at all. Ukraine is just a cat’s paw.” This strikes me as a pretty good argument insofar as it seems to involve telling the truth and having some shared reality to draw upon. A heck of a lot better than the moral one that seems to rely on moral claims that are, shall we say, not universally shared.Report

    • InMD in reply to Jaybird

      I think it’s part ‘it’s in the US’s interest for Russia to lose’ and part ‘peace cannot be secured by weakness but only by strength.’ That doesn’t mean we support Ukraine’s most maximalist aims down to the last cent but it does mean a settlement that fails to account for the long term isn’t a settlement at all.

      Trump’s instinct to end the conflict isn’t wrong, it’s that his methods of doing so are unlikely to succeed and may ultimately put the US in an even worse position down the road.Report

    • Ozzzy! in reply to Jaybird

      I think we are historically somewhere between Hardin’s Anacreon Gambit (Religion / Cultural assimilation holds factions together) and Mallow’s Korellian Defense (geopoltical disputes are resolved by economics and technology needs in the medium run). YMMV.Report

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