From Washington Post: The Trump Lexicon

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10 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    So the example of “Free Speech” is a press outlet not getting privileged access?

    60 Minutes had a segment last night where the reporters were interviewing German politicians who were explaining that it was illegal to insult someone. Like, “go to jail” illegal.

    I understand that ceasing to extend a privilege can have a chilling effect! I can!

    It’s just been a wild ride these last few years and the AP having privileges revoked for failing to recognize and follow a new government policy on the new name of the Gulf of Mexico seems like a fairly straightforward interaction.

    It’s not like there isn’t a list of thousands of news outlets that would beg, borrow, or steal for the position that the AP cheerfully gave up.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird

      This may look like “whataboutism” so I will attempt to clarify.

      I am crazy and have no problem with not voting for either of the two real parties due to stuff like failure to support free speech and, more importantly, the Enlightenment Ideals behind the idea of it.

      But if we’re in a zero-sum game between Team Good and Team Evil and both Teams are doing a good job of not supporting free speech and, more importantly, the Enlightenment Ideals behind the idea of it, the choice becomes something much more like “which side do you want to see lose more?”

      And it’s not about “Free Speech” at that point. It’s just about which side is doing a less perfect job of making a mockery of the idea of Free Speech.

      And so you’re stuck with “here’s Team Evil doing something awful” versus “here’s Team Good doing something awful”.Report

      • InMD in reply to Jaybird

        I don’t think it’s whataboutism. I think that media outlets like WaPo have either decided not to, or their worldview simply precludes, the ability to interrogate the assertions of particular officials and institutions. This causes a lot of their criticism of Trump, much of which is warranted, to fall flat.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to InMD

          I have *ZERO* problems with the interrogation of officials! Seriously, I wish we had a *LOT* more.

          But the failure of the AP to say “the Gulf of America (the gulf formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico)” or “the Gulf of America (née Mexico)” comes across as stupid petulance instead of smart petulance.

          On top of that, the AP isn’t being punished (defined as “the stick”). It’s merely not being rewarded (defined as “the carrot”).

          “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”Report

          • InMD in reply to Jaybird

            Not just that, but they operate from a space of seemingly studied incuriosity about the status quo. For example, as I understand it, Musk and his dorks have been given control of US Data Services which was set up by the Obama admin to conduct audits and similar stuff not that far removed from the steel-manned version of what Trump (and Musk) say they want to do.

            I am sure Musk and co. are making a total hash of this, operating in a manner of total incompetence and corruption. But it all begs questions like ‘what was US Data Services doing before January of 2025? Did they ever uncover waste or abuse? Is every penny the federal government is spending truly beyond reproach? What about the inspector generals? Do we know they were all doing a good job?’

            The WaPo is fundamentally incapable of asking questions like that, everyone knows it, and the result isn’t even the view from nowhere, it’s the view from a presumption of authority no one actually recognizes.Report

        • KenB in reply to InMD

          Seems like we’ve reached the inevitable conclusion of ideological drift in our institutions. No one is around anymore with enough epistemic humility to even understand why we have (well, used to have) those rules for free speech, hearing from multiple sides, journalistic distance, etc – to the extent it’s happening at all, it seems to be mostly vestigial, and worse yet, all financial incentives seem to pointed away from that sort of thing (outside a small niche).Report

  2. Slade the Leveller

    “President Donald J. Trump and his administration have a simple message: follow the law..”

    That’s rich.Report

  3. Saul Degraw

    Bezos pulled ads against Elon Musk so this is really richReport

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