Weekend Plans Post: Was Last Year This Cold?
I work with a couple of kids from Puerto Rico and a kid who moved here from Florida and they were talking today about which of them was the coldest. It was the guy who happened to be the skinniest, which, I suppose, shouldn’t be much of a surprise.
It is cold enough that I almost wanted to throw my hat in the ring. I mean, I didn’t… I agree that the skinny guy is probably the coldest but, seriously, it’s *REALLY* freakin’ cold.
We have a denim duvet cover for a king-sized duvet that we keep around for emergencies. It’s way too big, doesn’t fold more than twice, and weighs about as much as a small car. It’s absolutely wonderful when it’s too cold out except, for the most part, the house is always in the 60s anyway. So you want to get under that big huge blanket and feel it weighing down on you like you’re getting x-rays at the dentist in the late 90s and then, somewhere around 2 in the morning, you wake up in a sweat because it’s a kabillion degrees under there.
Which is nice until the second night that it happens and then you get up to pee and move the gimungous duvet off to the side of the bedroom in the dark and then you have to have a conversation about either putting it away or putting it somewhere in/convenient just in case there’s another cold snap next week.
(Oh, there’s another cold snap next week.)
So I told the guys “just invest in a good blanket, no, thicker and heavier than that. You’ll only use it a couple of weeks a year, but those couple of weeks make it worth it.” And they told me stories about using all of the blankets in the house. Ah, well. They’ll learn.
This weekend should be a little less cold before cold snap #2 comes down from Canada. We’ve got a friend coming down from Denver tomorrow for dinner and I will be making a cheese ravioli piccata to celebrate and I picked up one of those frozen Heath Bar Apple Pies from the freezer aisle for dessert. OOOOH! I SHOULD GET SOME CHEDDAR CHEESE FOR IT!!! So I’ll be picking up some cheddar cheese for it as well tomorrow.
Saturday we’ll have Maribou’s buddies coming over for some breakfast so I’ll get to make some bacon and eggs and… oh… I made cinnamon rolls last time so biscuits, I guess. Unless I see some *AMAZING* bread for toasting.
And Sunday will be spent in prep for the week to come. One sprint ends, another begins, the circle of life continues.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “Sun Time”. Photo taken by Maribou.)