Asian Voters Abandoned Democrats in Droves and Might Not be Coming Back

Hei Lun Chan

Hei Lun is a retail manager living in Massachusetts. His interests include eating, running, video games and board games. He's a sports fan who doesn't watch sports. He's mostly a libertarian even though Facebook ad preferences thinks he's a "very liberal". His Twitter handle is @heilun_chan

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31 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw

    Welp, a bunch of universities announced to their foreign students especially their Asian students that they should try and get back to the U.S. before Trump is sworn in because they think there will be another travel ban and this time it could also include India and China.

    Trump’s team is also looking at making Chinese immigrants of “military age” their first priority for mass deportations,

    So welcome to this round of “I never thought the leopard’s would eat my face…”

    I’m sure you will be screaming “why didn’t Democrats stop this?” when Trump does all horrible stuff he said he would do and people took him neither seriously or literally.Report

    • InMD in reply to Saul Degraw

      It’s not going to be great for the us generally, given the benefits of other countries sending their best and brightest to America, but why would Asian-Americans (and I emphasize Americans) prioritize the plight of foreigners in the country on visas?

      And do you think the bordering on pathological desire progressives have to discriminate against Asian Americans in higher education may in fact present a problem, at least in terms of getting them to vote in a way you (and I for that matter!) are more likely to agree with?

      The whole thing starts with a loud renunciation and express denunciation of race based affirmative action and DEI as the racist and anti American garbage it self evidently is.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to InMD

        why would Asian-Americans (and I emphasize Americans) prioritize the plight of foreigners in the country on visas?

        AAPI solidarity.Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to InMD

        Nah. People f’d around because they hated the price of eggs and gas and now I am subjected to numerous interviews daily of cognitive defenses on full fire with “Yeah I voted for Trump and his mass deportation plan will collapse my business but I don’t think he really means it.”

        This is not the fault of Harris or the Democrats as much as everyone is addicted to Murc’s law. People have agency.Report

        • InMD in reply to Saul Degraw

          Do you think Asian Americans should be discriminated against in the college application process? Or that we should get rid of advanced math if the class has too many of them?

          What about if there are too many Jews?

          Or any other group we decide isn’t marginalized enough?Report

          • Saul Degraw in reply to InMD

            The only way to win with Trump is not to play. Playing with Trump and his cronies only leads to play stupid games, win stupid prizes. At best, you will be given an opportunity to pay tribute and protection money like tech is currently doing. Most likely, you will be thrown under the bus at some point and then have the bus rolled over you a few times for good measure.Report

    • Hei Lun Chan in reply to Saul Degraw

      I voted for Kamala lol. Trump bad!Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Hei Lun Chan

        Sorry, the title of the post is “Asian Voters Abandoned Democrats in Droves and Might Not be Coming Back” and you’re an Asian Voter.

        If you’ve got a problem with us making assumptions about you personally, take it up with whatever white supremacist wrote the post.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Saul Degraw

      Both you and Hei Lun Chan are correct. You are correct that Asians along with Latinos should have recognized that Trump and the Republicans are leopards and will indeed eat faces. Hei Lun Chan is correct in that Asian Americans found what they see as their own needs being ignored or even outright rejected by the liberal-left spectrum, especially the activist branch, but receiving an absolute demand for support in exchange for nothing because I guess “Asians don’t count” to put it in terms.Report

      • InMD in reply to LeeEsq

        The mistake (among many) is the unfounded belief that people legally in the country give two sh*ts about people that aren’t. They don’t, not in the aggregate anyway. They’re normal Americans who get frustrated by normal things, like inflation and education, and don’t appreciate being treated like pawns of made up pan ethnic groups few outside of a handful of activists identify with. This isn’t that hard.Report

        • LeeEsq in reply to InMD

          This is correct. Activist try to create imaginary communities who happen to magically agree with them but the reality is a lot more complicated.Report

        • North in reply to InMD

          What’s encouraging is that, because it’s so dumb and so unpopular, it shouldn’t be hard to reverse. Like the idiotic school boards have already had their hides tanned. The nutty DA’s are being recalled, the liberal woo local politicians are losing (to other Democrats) in the local elections. The NIMBY thing is gonna be tough but that’s also the one that’s got the least national salience.Report

          • Saul Degraw in reply to North

            NIMBYism transcends race.

            Democrats are a multi-racial coalition and it is hard to come up with a solution on say how you help combat the long and disgraceful history of slavery, Jim Crow, and systematic racism without having people complain about how their kid as a marginally harder time getting into Lowell or Stuy

            Meanwhile, people couldn’t get their heads out of their butts long enough to realize they voted to make polio great again and our whole armchair and professional pundit apparatus is designed to say it is bad form to tell voters that their are consequences for their actions because that means less ad revenue and that means Mr. Pundit’s wife doesn’t get her kitchen remodel.

            I am angryReport

            • LeeEsq in reply to Saul Degraw

              Again, both you and North are correct at the same time. The big problem of the modern age internationally is that every single group seems incapable of pause and strategic thinking or thinking about opposite perspectives. So you have the people upset about eggs, the NIMBYs, the Intersectional faction, and lots of other people in a constant state of aggravation and few people capable of pause and reflection. So we have this giant’s prisoner dilemma in politics and nobody knows the way out.Report

          • LeeEsq in reply to North

            As mentioned to my brother, maybe not. Liberal-left parties tend to be big tent coalition parties. The problem with big tent coalition parties is that you have lots of different groups that won’t vote if their needs aren’t being met and many times the needs of groups within the coalition are contradictory and oppositional. This is why the Israel-Hamas War was such a hard needle to thread for the Democratic Party. The most passionate Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian voters are within the Democratic Party and the leadership needed to deal with both groups when both groups were feeling extremely angry at each other.

            What need to be done is a more universal liberalism but that isn’t the style of the time and too many people won’t have it.Report

            • North in reply to LeeEsq

              Sure, but what 2024 seems to have told us is that there is a lot -LESS- tradeoff than the various groups and advocates claim. The open borders leftist coalition told the Dems for over a decade that absolutely all of their demands on permissive border policy were necessary to win the votes of Latin American immigrant communities. It turns out that not only were those groups wrong- they were ludicrously wrong. One can go down the lift of liberal interest groups and it looks like most of the highest heat/lowest light subjects also have the lowest voter salience. In other words a confident nimble liberal politician could trim off the leftiest most policies and reap a lot of shrieking from vocal interest groups but also reap a lot of electoral gain from the actual, meatspace voters who actually decide elections. The silver lining message of 2024 is that the circle is a lot closer to a square than the ideologues claim. It might even be a squircle.Report

          • InMD in reply to North

            It does make me happy to see that there is still a constituency for what I think of as ‘good government liberalism.’ Despite the detractors we are still in the fight.

            The challenge I see is that there’s a kind of pincer movement against it. To take the school example, at a certain point it doesn’t matter much if the public school system crumbles because of some grift-y conservative driven ‘school choice’ movement, or due to a left, “social justice’ driven assault on quality and standards. The end result will still be a poorer society.Report

        • DavidTC in reply to InMD

          And the mistake that those people legally in the country make is the idea that the bigots whose party they are supporting will make a distinction between people here legally and illegally.

          They may be very very sure they are different, but that ain’t how bigotry works.Report

  2. Jaybird

    Excellent post. San Francisco performed some of the absolutely *STUPIDEST* stunts over the last decade or so and the failure to address these stunts has ripples across the country.

    The math thing? Seriously, if you put that in a movie, people wouldn’t believe it. They’d make jokes about how Harrison Bergeron was *SATIRE* and you shouldn’t believe that people actually think that way. They’d accuse you of falling for the slippery slope fallacy.


    And, like, they made a bigger deal out of needing to rename Abraham Lincoln High School, George Washington High School, and Dianne Feinstein Elementary due to these people being linked with racism, sexism, and other historical injustices than they made out of the need to TEACH CHILDREN MATH.

    Seriously, if you didn’t know that the story was true, you’d accuse the person telling it of beating up a strawman in bad faith. (Even now, I’m bolstering myself for someone pointing out that the school board reversed its decision, as if that means that it wasn’t made in the first place.)

    If you can’t make the trains run on time, you have two choices:

    1. Work harder to make the trains run on time
    2. Explain that punctuality is white supremacy and hope the rubes believe you


    When the pendulum swings back, the stories that were covered up will be even crazier.

    As for what the Democrats will need to do to get the AAPI and Latinx vote back? Well… they’re definitely not going to like the answer to that… but it’ll involve telling the truth about what happened. Worse than that, it’ll involve having to admit that they messed up.Report

    • KenB in reply to Jaybird

      I think the crazy stories out of SF were in some way obscuring how much there’s a larger question of Dem governance in big cities. It’s easy to write off the SF city govt as a bunch of kooks and not representative, but there are less dramatic but more impactful issues in a number of cities that have been dragging down the party’s reputation. See e.g Josh Barro:

      • LeeEsq in reply to KenB

        The problem with Democratic governance in big cities can be summed up in one word, NIMBY. There are a lot of local level people who are severely uninterested in what can be called the physical work of government like maintaining and building the physical infrastructure or want to use the schools to try out interesting theories rather than teach the nuts and bolts.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to LeeEsq

          Here’s an interesting statistic… the Blue State exodus to Red States will change the electoral college in the future.

          My question: How many of these blue state immigrants will continue to vote blue?Report

          • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

            I would think it’d depend on the kind of politics and quality of life they find in their new homes.Report

            • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

              Florida got redder. Colorado got bluer.Report

            • InMD in reply to Slade the Leveller

              I think that’s right. On the one hand the big blue metros have a real cost of living problem they need to deal with. It’s driving people away and I think it does damage to the brand.

              On the other I’m not sure a worker in Boston’s biotechnology industry does a total 180 on political views and values by virtue of moving to Raleigh or Atlanta. And it isn’t like the cities in red states aren’t also blue, many of them are just dwarved (for now) by the larger red rural and exurban areas that surround them.Report

    • CJColucci in reply to Jaybird

      There doesn’t have to be a reason for San Francisco to be on the bingo card. But it is.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird

      What effect does anything that happens in San Francisco have on your life?

      Do we use this for anything else?

      “Why do you care about Ukraine?”

      In any case, a lot of San Franciscans have moved into town and boosted housing prices. So it has, at least, increased my wealth. That’s at least *ONE* thing.Report

  3. InMD

    The reason it matters is because it raises questions about principles, and what side a leader is likely to take on issues that may well be closer to home.

    I will say I think it’s kind of rich to criticize the piece from that perspective. As if 4 years ago we didn’t have a massive amount of erm….. discord and debate over the police killing ~25-30 unarmed black men a year, a statistic that barely registers or impacts the lives of all that many people in a cointry of 330 million.*

    *I’m not even saying it was wrong to raise the issue! Quite the opposite in facy. More that it’s amazing how the perspectives evolve in such convenient ways.Report

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