Weekend Plans Post: We’re Getting It Back


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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15 Responses

  1. Slade the Leveller

    Let me know when the pie is ready and I’ll pop over for a slice. I’ll bring the milk.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

      Do you guys have The Village Piemaker out there? I can’t believe how good their stuff is. The cherry pies are as good as any homemade one I’ve had. The pumpkin are *ALMOST* as good as some homemade ones I had a decade ago from the little small batch artisanal pie shop.

      If you see the white box in the endcap at your grocery store, pick one up. It’s amazing.Report

  2. Slade the Leveller

    Round 1 of the high school football playoffs is this weekend, and I have a game tonight. High seed against a low seed, so it’s likely gonna be a stinker.

    We just got our kitchen remodeled, so this weekend is going to be spent reassembling it and restocking the fridge and pantry. Plus, haircut a visit to the golf store for a new driver (just in time for it to sit in my bag all winter ;-(). Gonna be busy!

    Sunday is going to be go to church and sit on my butt day.Report

  3. Fish

    We never got vary many kids at our house. For a while we used to get one big family (or a big family and all their friends) of somewhere around 5 kids and we’d just hand them everything we had, but it’s been years since the last time we saw them. Last night we had our usual Thursday Night Magic (The Gathering, not prestidigitation (yes I looked up the spelling)) and no kids were seen.Report

  4. fillyjonk

    I didn’t hand out candy this year. Last year I sat around for three hours listening for knocks on the door (I don’t have a doorbell) and I got one family of three kids. So this year, considering I’ve put in a number of 10 1/2 hour workdays in the past few weeks (teaching four classes,, serving on two hiring committees, trying to do research), I was just too tired to feel like maybe being at people’s beck and call in an evening. I didn’t see any kids out on the street, either – the “safe alternatives” (because apparently we don’t trust our neighbors any more, but do trust businesspeople) drew them away to trunk-or-treats or the downtown thing.

    At any rate.

    It’s going to be a working weekend – I am still grading at nearly 4 pm, so I’m not doing the research task I have that may take 2-2 1/2 hours. And I’m filling in (Yes, the pulpit) at church on Sunday, which I rashly agreed to a few weeks ago.

    I’m just…..really tired.

    I do also need to grocery shop, want to be sure to have as much fresh food on hand as I can manage

    I voted early Thursday. Didn’t really have time, but figured I wouldn’t really have time today, or Saturday, or on Election day, and figured the lines would be worse on Tuesday anywayReport

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk

      We leave a bowlful on the porch. I arranged them in the bowl in a pattern (circles by type) that would let me know if someone came up and took some (or, I suppose, just stuck their hand in and mixed the candy up) and we had, by my guess, either one kid who took a handful or two-three kids who took a couple pieces each.

      So we’ll do that again next year.Report

  5. Marchmaine

    Lady Marchmaine and I will be getting our hour back on a big Celebrity cruise ship. We’re trying their ‘cruise within a cruise’ after a trying few years. My first proper vacation in 2yrs after changing companies, and our first vacation without the kids since 2017.

    Right now sitting on a balcony on the intercoastal watching actual yacht yachts sail by because it is apparently Boat Show Week. Walked past one docked by our hotel… didn’t ask the price, but the crew of 14 would bankrupt us right quick.Report

  6. InMD

    We probably had something like 300 trick or treaters last night and I love it. Not the whole neighborhood participates but most do and with lots of enthusiasm which is great fun. I was so in the spirit I carved 3 jackolanterns instead of my usual 2.

    As for us my oldest is with my MIL tonight. Sadly her father/my wife’s grandfather passed last Sunday. Hopefully some time with her grandson cheers her up.

    With the lighter load we’ll stream some From (highly recommended for horror fans). When my wife and the little guy inevitably pass out I may go up the street and get some beers and games if darts in.

    Tomorrow back to adulting with Costco, soccer party, then me versus the kids solo for dinner while the wife is out with her mom and sister. Sunday flag football and hoping to see Jayden Daniel’s annihilate the Giants.Report

  7. Damon

    When I lived in the house with the now ex, we would block off the cul de sac and sit on the grass island. We lined the kids up in front of the table of candy and everyone checked out the outfits. Where I live now, there are no kids-i’ve had 1 in a decade. This also has the advantage that no one drives into the area trying to steal stuff from cars. It’s kinda outta the way. Perfect.Report

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