Hamas, Anyar Sinwar, and The Grand Delusion

Issac Faulk

Issac Faulk is the pseudonym of a published and experienced foreign policy writer, currently in exile.

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1 Response

  1. Chip Daniels

    There needs to exist a territory of supporting the Israeli people without supporting the government of Israel, of sympathizing with the Palestinian people while condemning the leaders of them.

    But such a territory exists only in our imagination. There isn’t a large enough political entity within the Palestinian faction that can envision a Palestinian state which allows the existence of Jews either within or anywhere near it. There isn’t a political entity in Israel that can lay out a plausible vision of a one or two state solution.

    It isn’t possible to “side” with Israel or the Palestinians without collapsing the distinction between “liberation and self-determination” and wanton slaughter, without equating “securing peace” with ethnic cleansing.

    The best we can do is imagine that territory where both states are existing in a state of peace however wary, where each allows a degree of tolerance and multi-cultural co-existence, and support that instead, even while acknowledging that this territory isn’t wanted by anyone actually involved and in power to change things on the actually existing terrain.Report

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