United States and Russia Swap Prisoners

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8 Responses

  1. Chip Daniels

    One thing this highlights is the value of international relationships based on mutual trust and affinity rather than bluster and intimidation.Report

  2. Damon

    This was all over the local news yesterday. Given the exchange, it seems what we gave up vs who we got back, that Russia got a better deal. That being said, I’m not against the trade.

    I’m more disappointed in the plea deal given the 9-11 terrorists….Report

  3. CJColucci

    Trump and Vance are, predictably, claiming that they would have gotten a better deal, not explaining why TFG didn’t get that better deal when he was President. A serious case of hypotheticum poisoning.Report

  4. Jaybird

    Good news! The plea bargain that Donald Trump appointees worked out with the Guantanamo detainees has been overturned by Biden and Harris and their much better appointees!

    Read it yourself:

    I have determined that, in light of the significance of the decision to enter into pre-trial agreements with the accused in the above-referenced case, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me as the superior convening authority under the Military Commissions Act of 2009. Effective immediately, I hereby withdraw your authority in the above-referenced case to enter into a pre-trial agreement and reserve such authority to myself.

    Effective immediately, in the exercise of my authority, I hereby withdraw from the three pre-trial agreements that you signed on July 31 , 2024 in the above-referenced case.


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