Weekend Plans Post: GenX is, apparently, the last generation to use a top sheet


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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15 Responses

  1. Mike Dwyer

    That seems waaaay to warm. I’m on Team Top Sheet for life.Report

  2. James K

    I find the idea of a duvet without a top sheet confusing. Would the duvet cover get dirty quickly due to contact with your skin? The top sheet helps keep your duvet cover clean, so you don’t need to change it as often.Report

    • J_A in reply to James K

      My UK born spouse (bit older than me, not that he’s happy about that) could teach Sargent Majors about bed making (*), and when in the UK, we don’t have a top sheet, the duvet cover is part of the sheet set and it gets changed weekly. But you have to remember that in the UK you essentially have to sleep with your windows open (**), and you really want to snuggle in a heavy duvet, even in summer.

      When in the USA, though, we have a very light duvet and a top sheet, and the duvet cover does not get changed very frequently.

      Millennials are discovering duvets the way their elders discovered other aspects of European life

      (*) When I, trained by him for decades, make the bed, he still sneaks back and redoes it, because I’ll never make it to his standards.

      (**) if you keep your windows tight shut the dampness will run amok and everything will get soon covered in mold.Report

      • Michael Cain in reply to J_A

        My father came out of his stint in the US Navy a senior petty officer. Nothing was ever quite clean enough for him, nor we kids’ beds made properly. When my wife-to-be and I moved in together, I carefully refrained from remaking the bed after she had done it.Report

      • James K in reply to J_A

        We have horrible damp problems in new Zealand too, we just open the windows during the day to circulate the air.Report

  3. Reformed Republican

    I have a top sheet and a comforter. However, I tend to get too hot with my feet under everything. With cats on the bed, especially our old lady who likes to sleep next to me, it can be difficult to get my feet out from under everything to moderate my temperature. A few months ago, I started sleeping under a throw. It’s not too heavy, and I can get my feet out from under it if I need to. I sleep much better now.

    Things will probably change come winter.Report

  4. Damon

    Gotta have something when it’s hot and the ceiling fan is blowing down on you and you’re just a smidge cold, but turning off the fan makes you too hot. 🙂Report

  5. Marchmaine

    People who claim they wash their duvets? Liars. Every last one of them.

    Not much planned for the weekend; I slipped a tire on the tractor and bent the wheel frame… or I bent the wheel frame and cause the tire to slip. Either way I need a new wheel and tire then I’ll figure out how to fix the old wheel. But, it turns out that getting something simple like a new wheel and tire is annoyingly complicated for reasons. So I’m without a tractor for weekend chores; therefore, not much planned for the weekend.Report

  6. Fish

    My Mom was a nurse, so basic training more reinforced my bed-making training than anything else. Top sheets always and forever.

    Not much planned for the weekend, but with two major soccer tournaments running concurrently I suspect I’ll find something to do with my free time.

    Enjoy the Elden Ring DLC!Report

  7. Julius

    a top sheet is a must, seems more comfortable to me.Report

  8. fillyjonk

    In my climate, a full duvet would be too warm in summer. And I’ve heard STORIES of what a pain it can be to wrestle a clean duvet cover on to one. I’m old-fashioned American I guess: fitted sheet and top sheet, and a quilt on top – for show in the summer (and folded back to sleep), for warmth in the winter.

    Three of the rooms in my house have wallpaper but it was there when I bought the place and I can’t be troubled to change it. My mom’s house also has wallpaper, but again, that was put in some 40 years ago.

    This weekend – well, it’s brutally hot here now, and I went and did fieldwork early in the week and DESPITE using DEET I now have approximately 80 chigger bites, so I’m staying indoors in the cool and am not doing muchReport

  9. Michael Cain

    I have always been a very warm sleeper. In the summer, most times even a top sheet is too much, I shove all the covers aside and sleep without any of them. In the winter, a top sheet and single blanket is usually enough. Of course, if I’m sharing the bed in the winter — spouse, pet, whatever — at some point I wake up because I want to roll over but can’t, there’s someone snuggled right up against me to stay warm.Report

  10. Jaybird

    Question: Everybody’s either from a foreign country or a GenXer, right?Report

    • Chip Daniels in reply to Jaybird

      Boomer, and the past is a foreign country.Report

    • InMD in reply to Jaybird

      Xennial? I guess? If it’s about the top sheet we used to use them but haven’t in a year or two. I can report that there are some in the linen closet. Currently we are operating under the duvet theory. My wife is in charge of these things and I have no real opinion on the subject. As the man of the house I am just along for the ride.Report

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