Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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2 Responses

  1. Pinky

    These are characters and at least three of the performers of the 1912 play “The Model”. I can’t find Earle Browne online, but there are pictures of the other three, and those are decent caricatures.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to Pinky

      On the topic of caricatures, I happened to visit Ben Garrison’s web site the other day. First, he’s a decent caricaturist. Good enough to get away without labeling most of the people he draws. Second, he works at it, cranking out a political cartoon every two or three days. That’s comparable to a political cartoonist like David Horsey, who draws at a similar level of detail. Third, you could convince me that the whole thing is, not a grift, but that he’s found a niche drawing stuff the Tea Party and MAGA crowds will pay for. He sells the original pencil work for a price much like the price the Foglios ask for original Girl Genius pencil work*. So, as long as you don’t mind the content**, fair value for the money.

      * I’ve read every Girl Genius online page. I’ve been in awe of Phil Foglio for 20 years, cranking out three pages every week. I’m even more awestruck by the idea that he and Kaja still have all of the original pencil work — >3,000 11×17″ pages.

      ** I love Steve Hanks’s water color work. But I’d rather have a choice of more landscapes and kids, and less naked ladies.Report

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