I Blame Gerald Ford

Philip H

Philip H is an oceanographer who makes his way in the world trying to use more autonomy to sample and thus understand the world's ocean. He's a proud federal scientist, husband, father, woodworker and modelrailroader. The son of a historian and public-school teacher and the nephew and grandson of preachers, he believes one of his greatest marks on the world will be the words he leaves behind. To that end he writes here at OT and blogs very occasionally at District of Columbia Dispatches. Philip's views are definitely his own, and in no way reflect the official or unofficial position of any agency he works for now or has worked for in his career. If you disagree, take it up with him, not Congress.

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23 Responses

  1. Sihlus says:

    Agreed. Ford’s decision in the end amounted to kicking the can down the road. Whatever the validity of the concerns that motivated it, we’re now dealing with the same issues again, and at a time when we might be actually less able to deal with them. Forcing this to come to a head honestly is the most prudent thing that can be done. I’m hopeful that TFG will go down in flames in November, but by itself I don’t think a lot will be solved long term.Report

  2. Doctor Jay says:

    I supported the pardon at the time. Now I think it was a mistake. I think a better course would have been to let the investigations and prosecutions move forward, and pardon him after we knew clearly what he did.

    Nixon is the guy who first said, “If the president did it, that means it’s legal.” We needed to put that to rest, and we didn’t.Report

  3. Greg In Ak says:

    True. Good stuff. Reagan nominating Bork was also a giant waving red flag. R’s learned the lesson they could get away with presidential corruption. Ford f’d up badly.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Greg In Ak says:

      The Second Iraq invasion

      The GOP has internalized that the system doesn’t stand up well to people who don’t care about the system. Democrats still can’t grok people who don’t care about the system.Report

      • Dark Matter in reply to Philip H says:

        This is just drawing a line connecting things you don’t like.

        With The Second Iraq invasion, Bush went to the people, made his case, and got Congress to approve it. This was following the system. What to do about Sadam was a thing and there were no good options.

        Garland was a political reality that was first observed by Biden decades earlier.

        Iran-Contra was illegal but Reagan literally couldn’t remember the details because of dementia. I think several people went to jail over that one so there’s that.

        Watergate cost Nixon his Presidency because the senior GOP leaders told him he was going to be removed from office. The bulk of the “Watergate 7” did Time over it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watergate_Seven

        Bork I don’t understand the point you’re making. He didn’t make it to the Supreme Court but not because of Watergate.Report

    • Dark Matter in reply to Greg In Ak says:

      It was members of the GOP who told (really forced) Nixon to resign or be removed from office.

      This would have happened to Trump except he (amazingly) didn’t lose his base.

      If we had arrested Nixon, the lesson Trump would have learned is he needs to stay in office or he’ll be arrested.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Dark Matter says:

        Had Nixon been convicted (either in impeachment or criminally) the lesson the GOP would have learned is to not nominate crooks just because it helps them achieve their ends. Trump was able to foist himself on the party through a plurality of voters precisely because no such lesson had been taught.Report

  4. Chip Daniels says:

    I remember hearing, and believing, the theory that to indict and try a former President would “tear the country apart”.

    In my defense, I was 14 and the idea of such cataclysmic event was frightening.

    Nowadays I call that the “peasant mentality” where it is assumed we citizens are children who need to be shielded from difficult events and choices.

    What Trump has proved though, is that we aren’t. Nothing will “tear the country apart”. We have survived terror attacks, an insurrection, and a convicted fraud and rapist running for President and still we go on.

  5. Burt Likko says:

    All right. I’ve had it.

    I cannot stand it any more.

    The phrase is “REIN him in,” not “REIGN” him in.

    “Reign” is a verb, meaning to rule over or to govern, as would a king or an emperor.

    “Rein,” when used as a verb, means to control or restrain, as in using the reins of a set of tackle on a horse.

    Trump is not daring America to “reign him in,” because he does not want to be ruled by America. He wants to RULE America; he wants to REIGN OVER America. Trump is daring us to REIN him in, to put some kind of a restraint on the outrageous, awful, destructive, terrible, very bad things that he keeps on doing.

    I’ve seen this mistake in many posts over many months now.


  6. I know you think calling Trump “TFG” is somehow a diss, but it sure comes off like you think he’s so powerful that you have to make up special names to handle him mentally.

    I really do not understand the strategy of proving how little you think of someone by proving you think about them so much you even make up nicknames for them.Report

    • CJColucci in reply to Kristin Devine says:

      I don’t think Silhus made up “TFG,” or that he claims to have. The nickname has been around for years. Sometimes an insult is only an insult, and who among us. present company very much included is above it?Report

  7. John Puccio says:

