Saturday Morning Gaming: Invisible Inc.


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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7 Responses

  1. KenB says:

    I started to play this towards the end of having a monthly game subscription – I hadn’t gotten very far before my subscription lapsed, and I didn’t go back to it.

    I’ve been playing Return to Monkey Island – pretty fun but definitely designed for nostalgia. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who hasn’t played the old ones. It also follows the model of newer adventure games in that it feels more like a sequence of smaller encapsulated areas rather than one big world – which makes it a lot easier and less satisfying to solve. I guess they’re assuming no one has the attention span to be stumped for more than 15 minutes at a time anymore.Report

    • Reformed Republican in reply to KenB says:

      Not sure how far you are, but there is a point where Return to Monkey Island opens up. I haven’t played much since I reached that point, because I got distracted by other games, but you suddenly have multiple things to accomplish and you the ability to sail around to different locations to accomplish them. I think it is pretty near the end of the game, though.Report

      • KenB in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        Ah ok, I got to that point. Each island is pretty small, but now there are multiple problems to be solved and more items in my bag to choose from. I thought I was pretty close to the end when I first posted, but I guess it was more like the halfway point.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    One of the sponsors for the Rumble last night was Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

    And here’s how bad Gotham Knights was: I’m going to wait to get it. I’m going to wait to see the reviews. I’m going to wait to see if the game screws it up.

    Because I am not confident that it will come close to getting it right.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    Oh, and the Epic Game Store free game this week is Infinifactory. It’s a Zachtronics game.Report

  4. DensityDuck says:

    The thing I really appreciated about “Invisible Inc” was that nearly any aspect of the game could be changed in the difficulty editor. And you could get really deep with it.

    Like, the basic game runs on a timer. Every so-many ticks of the clock, the enemy capabilities go up; you can’t just sit back and grind a mission down or scout the whole thing to determine the optimal path, you need to push to the objective and take what lumps the level-generator throws at you because before very long the game brings in an enemy with “knows where you are, has nearly infinite move, and one-hit kills you”.

    But the difficulty editor can change that to “there’s no timer, but every time you mess with a guard the Alert Level increases and every enemy gets stronger”. Like, turn it from a pressure situation to a puzzle-solver.

    Or maybe you want to go combat-monster, and the enemies start out strong but killing them (or knocking them out) doesn’t affect it.

    One thing I didn’t like as much is that it’s impossible to not play the story. As in, there’s always going to be a Halfway Through The Game Special Mission, and an End Of The Game Final Mission; the “endless” mode just keeps going after the final mission. I don’t like that so much because I want to just play regular missions, and the special missions have weird goofy differences.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to DensityDuck says:

      I’m told that the modding community has addressed many of the issues left in the wake of the game being “abandoned” at this point. Steam’s workshop has a NewGame+ mod and a plethora of new agents (some of whom look pretty cool) but nothing that addresses the whole story thing.

      Which is something that I never encountered. Whenever I beat the last mission, I always felt like I had just finished a marathon and I never needed to play again.

      For a month.Report