Weekend Plans Post: The Last Week Before School Starts


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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17 Responses

  1. fillyjonk says:

    Aw man, I almost forgot tomorrow is the weekend! Anyway, home reno is hopefully wrapping up – the house is all painted, they just have to put up the (newly painted) shutters and remove the masking paper on the outside. The drywall damage in my sewing room from a roof leak was fixed yesterday and is set to be painted today. The best of the workers (IMHO) is coming to rip up the kitchen tile and fix the subfloor, then I need to pick a new floor covering and apparently next week that goes in. Oh, and he said he’d scrape and paint the front door

    Not sure if he’ll come Saturday if he’s not finished with everything but the re-tiling today; last weekend guys did come to finish the priming and do some pick up but we will see. (I could use a day off of my space being invaded but I won’t say no if he offers to finish stuff up tomorrow).

    Classes for me start the 22nd and the end of next week is the usual cavalcade of meetings. However, I might skip the “whole faculty” one – two hours in an enclosed space and the scuttlebutt is only half the faculty have elected to be vaccinated so no thanks to that, even masked. (What can they do? fire me? I teach three classes no other person in the department could)

    I’m not really ready for classes to start back up. Emotionally, I mean. Logistically and preparation wise I am. But it feels like I didn’t have enough *fun* this summer, in between having to be home to talk with the renovators when they had questions and having no money to do anything….Report

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk says:

      You deserve a vacation. I’d suggest something that costs money but you’re probably sick of spending it.

      So just take a day or two, when you can, and sit in your boxers on the couch.Report

    • Anne in reply to fillyjonk says:

      After all the reno is done relax and enjoy your new fixed up digs. I know its stressful for you but what a joy once its done. We do all our own work and projects drag on forever some for years now. Enjoy the completion.Report

      • Slade the Leveller in reply to Anne says:

        Exactly. I’ve done both, and the ones I do always seem to peter out about where you just say, “I can live with that.”Report

  2. Slade the Leveller says:

    The sun is setting before 8:00 now, and sunlight is getting a little paler, which means that football season approacheth. It’s my last free weekend before the high school season starts (hopefully my last).

    Also, we should start seeing social media posts about tearful parents leaving their babies at college. Always some fun reading.

    Seeing a friend’s band play tonight after a cocktail with some friends. Golf tomorrow, then chilling for the rest of the weekend.Report

  3. Michael Cain says:

    One of the advantages of spending grade school and junior high in a medium-sized town in Iowa — just over 5,000 people at the time — was summers. Library and swimming pool were within bicycle distance. Ditto for a stocked lake for fishing. Kid-oriented movie every Saturday afternoon at the local theater with their A/C on high. Far enough north latitude that sunset in late June was about 9:00. Fairly easy to round up enough kids for a ball game of some sort. From about age 12 up, you could get day-work chopping corn out of the soy bean fields if you needed more cash than your allowance. (Note to screenwriters: if the zombies are coming, corn knives are the weapon of choice. Dirt cheap. If the zombie reaches for you, ZWOP! Take their hand off at the wrist. In hindsight, what were they thinking giving those things to 12-year-olds?) Free-range most of the time.Report