Saturday Morning Gaming: More Fights In Tight Spaces


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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2 Responses

  1. Fish says:

    Unfortunately, it’s Windows only. I’ll have to install it on my gaming PC and see if I can stream it to my Macbook.Report

  2. DavidTC says:

    I’ve been playing a lot of Hitman. I bought Hitman 2 when it was deeply discounted, and got all the Hitman 1 levels included, so it was only like $15 total.

    It is _absurdly_ replayable, and a lot of fun. Mostly because the levels are incredibly well-designed.

    Each level only has a few targets, usually either 2 or 3, but has an absurd amount of ways to get to them and kill them. From sneaking in without being seen at all, to knocking out and swapping clothes with people, to finding something tall and sniping them from it, to complicated gambits that get to them go somewhere without their people (Often to meet _with_ you), to complicated poisonings, to dropping chandeliers on them and pushing them off ledges, to literally just running up and shooting them point-blank and trying to flee, which is always hilarious and almost never works, because these are all extremely wealthy people with a bunch of bodyguards.

    I really can’t express how much flexibility there is in this game, and it expects you to play each level _at least_ three times before you move on to the next. You can just power through if you want, beat each level once, and it’s not a super long game if you do…I managed each level in about an hour and half the first time (And I play levels slow when I first get to them!), and there are a grand total of 15 real levels (Not counting the tutorials.), so in theory it’s somewhere near ~30 hours, but Steam is already telling me I’ve played 164 hours…and I’m not even done with the _basic_ stuff, much less some of the advanced challenges.

    And the levels really are amazing. They’re huge, they have multiple areas, they’re interconnected, and I keep finding neat things in them.

    And on top of that, they keep coming out with new content. They set up different scenarios in the same level, where you have different targets or they even change the level in some major way. And they have ‘escalations’ where they present some simple target, then add more complicated rules or people, and they don’t let you save, you just have to keep going. They even have their own challenges and user-created setups, where you get challenged to pull off some rather odd things.

    They do this even though there’s not any subscription service or DLCs or anything, it’s actually a little weird, like, they’re apparently still putting out content for a game that is actually fairly old. It’s Hitman _3_ that just came out last year.

    Right now, Hitman 3 is exclusive on the Epic store, and won’t come to Steam until sometime in January. And I suspect, when it does, the previous games will be cheap again. If you have any interest in stealth-type games, I cannot recommend them more.

    A warning: The game is actually less violent than it sounds, as you literally only have a couple of people to kill each level (And if you end up in a gunfight something has gone very wrong.), but there are a few specific ways to kill people that are fairly violent…drowning people is by holding them underwater is, uh, rather horrible as they struggle. As is feeding someone into a woodchipper. Although you could just not do those things, at no point are you really required to do things in any specific way, as I said, the entire thing is extremely flexible. The game is basically is the ‘murder simulator’ that various politicians have claimed video games are. It’s just, in actual fact, murdering people is not really as violent as you might imagine…at least, not if you are doing it in ways that don’t cause everyone to immediately start shooting at you.Report