From Buzzfeed News: BuzzFeed News Has Won Its First Pulitzer Prize


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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7 Responses

  1. Wow, I saw this title and was going to dunk on it but if this is the type of story Buzzfeed writes in between listcicles, more power to em.Report

  2. Slade the Leveller says:

    The FinCEN Files is an outrage. How many actual people were brought to justice using SARs? As usual, the Justice Dept. levies a fine against a big bank, with a threat of prosecution if things don’t change, a threat that is never made good on no matter how egregious subsequent contact is. How heads continue to not roll in cases like this is just a travesty.

    Meahwhile, when I tried to make a cash deposit of $200 to my employer’s business checking account the teller asked to see my ID. I told her if I was going to launder money it was going to take a hell of a long time at $200 a visit.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Slade the Leveller says:

      [Pushes the ‘he said money launder’ button]

      Mr. Leveler, would you mind stepping over here while we review your transaction. In the meantime, besides your ID can we see two proofs of address, proof of citizenship, and your original social security card. Do you rent or own?Report

  3. Doctor Jay says:

    That was definitely a thing I did not see coming.

    I guess all the daily churn and “trend” stories, etc, pay for this sort of thing. Because they can’t lean on the classified ads any more for that.Report

  4. Jesse says:

    Buzzfeed News has long been a very strong news outlet, because listicles about TikTok teens pay the bills just like the classifieds ads paid for actual journalism in newspapers or GM’s money used to pay for TV journalism.Report