Georgia Voting Bill SB 202 Signed Into Law: Read It For Yourself

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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22 Responses

  1. Philip H says:

    The Big Lie becomes law. I hope the courts toss this quickly and unanimously.Report

  2. Michael says:

    Good. Now all other states need this reform so the steal wont happen again.Report

    • Debora in reply to Michael says:

      YES! America needs to secure it’s Elections and this is a step forward and Beautiful Georgia LEADS THE FIGHT for our Republic! All States MUST follow Georgia’s LEAD! YAY….GEORGIA LEADS “THE SAVE AMERICA” Fight! Wooo Whooo!Report

    • JS in reply to Michael says:

      Nobody stole an election, but you sound like the sort that had the contents of your wallet lifted by Trump to “fight” it.

      Hope you didn’t lose too much to him. Or to Powell. She grifted millions off of the gullible.Report

  3. Chip Daniels says:

    For the rest of us, this is an object lesson that the Republican Party, as an institution, cannot be a trusted partner in the American republic. They’ve fulfilled David Frum’s prophesy about abandoning democracy in pursuit of power.

    This will get worse before it gets better.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Chip Daniels says:

      Yes it will.

      Which means Biden now has a choice – continue to run from the center towards the hard Right looking for “bipartisanship” and keeping the corporate campaign funders happy, or abandon the pretense of bipartisanship and get something (or somethings) done to ameliorate this. Even Synima and Manchin ought to understand that.Report

      • LeeEsq in reply to Philip H says:

        Oh for God’s sake, Biden isn’t running from the Center towards the Hard Right. He is speaking the ritualistic language required by the traditions of American democracy and Manchin and Sinema’s egos but is pretty much governing without the Republicans at all. Noticed how he didn’t allow any shennigans to prevent the relatively fast passing of the COVID-19 relief bill.Report

        • Philip H in reply to LeeEsq says:

          I did, but he’s a neoliberal centerist. Has decades of record on that. And on voting rights and other things he hasn’t yet staked a firm position to go liberal.Report

    • Debora in reply to Chip Daniels says:

      The Democrats are leading a Coup against our Republic! My Trump Hating Socialist supporting sister of 72 years of age finally realized it in January of this year! She will not talk about it but she abandoned her 4000 “Socialist Friends” on Facebook where she spent her day campaigning for Joe Biden!

      *Breaking Today: The Former Director of the CDC, “Covid-19 CAME FROM THE WUHON LAB!”

      We can work out our differences AFTER we save AmericaReport

  4. I hope John Roberts is proud of himself.Report

  5. Douglas Hayden says:

    So, the honest question, at what point does the GOP finally realize the Reagan coalition is deader than Elvis and actually start making honest-to-DLC pivots? I’d put my marker at some point after Trump passes the mortal coil, given that he’s still holding the party and the media’s dignity by the short and hairies.

    Until then, the party will continue to further alienate the median voter and fail to stop Georgia’s migration into becoming Virginia South.Report

    • If the western states are an indication, they won’t ever make the pivot. After 30 years, California’s Republicans seem to be happy not pivoting. Colorado’s Republicans adopted their own brand of crazy before there was Trump when they started losing. The Big Lie is a convenient sort of crazy for the Arizona Republicans to follow right now; unlike Georgia, it is unlikely that they can pass anything.

      Why not? The Republican advantage in the legislature is much smaller than in Georgia, only two seats in both chambers. New districts for the 2022 election will be drawn by an independent commission. The governor is term-limited, not running for the Senate seat in 2022, and already stood up to Trump on their voting system (and got censured by the state party for it). And finally, Arizona is a veto referendum state: if enough people sign petitions within 90 days of passage (5% of the number of ballots cast for governor most recently), the law doesn’t go into effect until approved in the next election. Somehow, putting radical changes to what seems to be a very popular voting system (>80% of Arizonans have signed up for the permanent mail ballot list voluntarily over the years) on the ballot, when voters have passed independent redistricting, higher minimum wage, and recreational marijuana over the screams of the state Republican Party, seems like a really bad idea.

      Arizona is a Republican state trifecta. I’m offering even odds that after the 2022 elections it’s a Democratic trifecta.Report