Cuomo Aides Changed Nursing Home Death Report Rates By 50%, Reports New York Times

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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33 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    That is why you maintain change tracking on such things, and backup copies in other places.Report

  2. dhex says:

    it’s definitely a sign of a steamroller style of management that he published a book on managing a crisis during the crisis he was managing/”managing” and no one could stop him. having had a boss like that once, it is infuriating and maddening and the only good feeling that will ever come out of this kind of interaction is the mild panic in their eyes when you resign. (maladaptive daydreaming is not positive, even if it is cathartic)

    speaking of steamrollers, after he’s done wrecking his career cuomo should do a podcast with spitzer called “hand me that petard”. sheldon silver can call in from upstate…Report

  3. Philip H says:

    He. Needs. TO. Go. And. Never. Come. Back.Report

  4. Pinky says:

    Wasn’t this story broken in June?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Pinky says:

      Yes, but the election had not yet happened.Report

      • Kristin Devine in reply to Jaybird says:

        Before the election this story was just the insane ravings of conspiracy theorists!!!Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Kristin Devine says:

          I always look for the addition of an extra adjective to turn a “seriously, we have questions…” to “that’s a crazy conspiracy theory”.

          “Alexander Acosta said that he was told that ‘Epstein belonged to Intelligence’.”

          “You believe that there’s some Satanic group of Pedos that the CIA is keeping tabs on? What? You a QAnon follower or something? Hey! When do you think that JFK Jr is going to storm the Capitol?”

          So just notice when a particular criticism gets restated poorly and additional adjectives get tacked on.Report

        • Pinky in reply to Kristin Devine says:

          We joke, but even I discounted these stories last summer. Partly because good policy won’t correlate to good outcome when dealing with something as random as a virus, but partly because of the political climate. I just assumed this was an example of two groups reading the same data differently for political advantage.

          I lost a distant family member back then. He was old, so the family didn’t think anything of it; he was also in a NY elder care facility. It’s unsettling. I’m so temperamentally opposed to conspiracy theories that I discounted all of this. State government policies may have caused the death of a relative, and I didn’t even think about it because the state officials were lying and I believed them.Report

  5. Kazzy says:

    It was pretty well-known over the summer that NY was reporting nursing home deaths differently than other states, namely that they were counting as “nursing home deaths” death that occurred IN nursing homes and that nursing home residents who were transferred to and then died in a hospital were counted in the general death toll. And it was pretty well-known that NY’s nursing home deaths were so high because Cuomo required that nursing homes admit residents who had tested positive, to avoid them being “discriminated” against.

    Now, if this report is just confirming the how and what and when and why, then it isn’t necessarily old news but it isn’t quite the bombshell it is being reported as.

    The real “bombshell” is that most folks just ignored this information because it didn’t fit the narrative of “Cuomo Crushing” that so many folks were engaging in and now that the bloom is of the rose and Cuomo is an acceptable target again, everything is sticking and sticking hard.

    Now, if this is evidence of further malfeance above and beyond the deadly nursing home policy and the sketchy reporting of numbers, well then, the fire is going to get much hotter.Report

    • Swami in reply to Kazzy says:

      I agree completely, Kazzy. This was common knowledge last summer. The real news seems to be the about-face on the dominant narrative being peddled on the masses.Report

    • Dark Matter in reply to Kazzy says:

      Now, if this is evidence of further malfeance above and beyond the deadly nursing home policy and the sketchy reporting of numbers, well then, the fire is going to get much hotter.

      The sexual harassments claims look like the real deal. Two worked with him closely and the 3rd was at a social event where we have photos of him touching her. All three pass a basic sanity check.

      We could have a dozen more in a few months.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Dark Matter says:

        Yes, but this really isn’t about that.

        The sexual harassment claims need to be investigated and evaluated entirely on their own merits. I don’t care if he singlehandedly managed the Covid situation perfectly and saved a billion lives. If he harassed women, that’s wrong. Full stop.

        As others have alleged, if these claims were made before but ignored because of the Cuomo Crushing, that’s wrong. If the women sat on the claims because they feared going after a beloved and powerful politician and felt more empowered to speak out when he is in an embattled state, that would be a sad state of affairs but again doesn’t impact the veracity fo their claims, which should be investigated fully.Report

      • Dark Matter in reply to Dark Matter says:

        We could have a dozen more in a few months.

        And now we have 2 more for a total of 5. They also pass basic sanity checks.

  6. Brandon Berg says:

    Beside the point, but that’s a 1/3 change, not a 50% change. The natural interpretation of “Cuomo Aides Changed Nursing Home Death Report Rates By 50%” is that they reported half as many deaths as actually occurred, while in reality they reported 2/3 as many deaths as actually occurred.Report

  7. Damon says:

    I said it in the last post…he’s vulnerable now…that’s why this is coming out. This was kept quite but since he’s weaker now, it’s coming out. And it’s likely he’s not needed as an “anti trump” politician made out to be a Biden is now pres. Can’t have anyone steeling Biden’s thunder or running against the future pres candidate: vp harrisReport

  8. Jaybird says:

    Hoo boy.


    • Pinky in reply to Jaybird says:

      So the NYT will break this story in, what, November?Report

    • DensityDuck in reply to Jaybird says:


      I don’t have a problem with him sending senior-care facility residents back to those facilities.

      Hospitals are not long-term senior-care centers, and there was no way to make them be.

      Now. If the senior-care centers in question were dormitory-style warehouses with everyone in the same room, or didn’t follow proper protection practices to keep COVID patients from spreading their disease to non-infected residents? Right, that’s bad, and it’s something the state government should have paid attention to. If you want to say “they could have made sure it was done properly, with an understanding that the care facilities’ procedures would have to change and a mandate for that to happen and inspection to make sure it did, but instead they just let the hospitals kick everyone out and didn’t care what happened next”, sure, you can say that, because it’s exactly what happened. But “send them back to the care facilities” is not inherently a bad idea.

      If nothing else, what were the hospitals supposed to do? Stick ’em all in closets until whenever-the-rona-is-over?Report

      • Dark Matter in reply to DensityDuck says:

        What do we do now?

        Probably the hospitals aren’t supposed to find housing for everyone they release, and the highly vulnerable to COVID elder care places aren’t expected to accept people that will kill people there.

        I think we’re into “everyone is different” territory. If it happened to my grandparents today (ignoring that they’re dead), presumably they hide in my parents’ basement for two weeks.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to DensityDuck says:

        I understand what he was going for and I guess I agree with it, as far as it goes.

        It’s the “mandatory” and “cover up the numbers” part that stick.Report

  9. Chip Daniels says:

    Pressure ratchets up on Cuomo after New York Assembly speaker OKs impeachment investigation

    (CNN)New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo faced mounting political pressure on Thursday after the speaker of the state Assembly authorized the judiciary committee to begin an impeachment investigation and dozens of Democratic New York state lawmakers called for Cuomo to resign.Report