

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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16 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg says:

    Back in the olden days, before there was internet, multiplayer generally meant “hot seat”.

    Well, that or dual joysticks. Not sure how many strategy games implemented that, though.Report

  2. Kolohe says:

    Huh you learn something new everyday. If you would have asked me five minutes ago, I would have said that the Dune games were derived from Command and Conquer, not vice versa, as is actually the case.Report

  3. Miss Mary says:

    Junior and I played Qwirkle today. It’s my new favorite board game but I’ve made him play so many times he’s starting to lose his patience with me. Now he understands how I feel about Pokemon.Report

  4. El Muneco says:

    I never really got into the early RTS games, once it became a recognizable genre.

    I’ve never had a problem with pausable continuous-action games: Microprose had a couple of WWII division/corps level games on the C64, there was Pirates! which was more of an RPG, as was Jagged Alliance 2. Hell, Championship/Football Manager is technically an RTS game, just speeded up ridiculously (decades in weeks).

    But I bounced off the original Warcrafts, Starcrafts, Kohans, etc. It seemed at the time – and I’ve never grown out of it – that the RTS games prioritized doing more things, while the TBS games prioritized doing the right things – that RTS was more an action genre than strategy. And from someone who grew up on boardgaming Squad Leader, which cried out for a real-time implementation that the technology couldn’t support, that was a deal-breaker.Report

  5. James K says:

    I’v enearly fdinished the main story of the Withcer 3, and I’ve come to the tentative conclusion that CD Projekt Red have out-Biowared Bioware.

    For one thing the game is gorgeous, which probably has a lot to do with the lack of character customisation – with only one specific character model to build, they can put more work into the animations to make Geralt’s movements graceful and realistic.

    Also, Geralt is a much better Bioware-protagonist than pretty much any of Bioware’s actual protagonists. Unlike Bioware’s normal practice of having a VIP for a main character, Geralt is an itinerant monster-slayer for hire, and a mutant besides. As such despite his prowess in combat few people treat him with any real respect. This helps explain why people keep wanting you to do odd jobs for them, and why you’d be inclined to say yes.

    Admittedly the characters are in general weaker than they typical Bioware game, but all the same I can see why it was reviewed so well.Report

    • Damon in reply to James K says:

      I loved the witcher 3.

      Be sure to do the card playing quests. There are some fun elements. I may replay the game (for the third time) just to do those. The second replay was to get the outcome of the game I wanted. The add ons are also nice, particularly “blood and wine”. The visuals are gorgeous, especially after playing the raining islands in the latter part of the main game.Report

  6. Will H. says:

    I introduced a pen & paper gaming group (D&D umpteenth ed.) to Fate Points, from Warhammer (1st or 2nd ed.– I forget).Report