Tagged: Guns In America

What Happened To Michael Brown Is Not Much In Dispute

The conventional wisdom at the moment about the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri two weeks ago is that no one really knows what happened, and that the narratives conflict greatly depending on who you ask.

The conventional wisdom is bull.

The Twilight of Our Candlelight Vigils

School shootings and rampage killings used to be moments of collective shock and horror, leading to long periods of national, cathartic mourning. Now they are either a quick ratings spectacle or a thing that gets mentioned briefly on a slow news day.

What the hell happened to us?

The Two Extremes of the Gun Debate

An opinion piece from David Horsey at the Los Angeles Times discusses a recent gun death where a 5-year-old Kentucky boy was playing with a rifle he had gotten as a gift and shot...

When Bad Public Policy Meets Bad PR

Yeah, so that’s not going to do much to ease parents fear of guns in the classroom. My only question is, how was Obama able to control the arc of the ricocheting bullet?