Commenter Archive

Comments by Robert Cheeks in reply to rufus*

On “Utah Senate votes to repeal 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (with video) | The Salt Lake Tribune

A good idea if the purpose follows the original intent which was to strengthen the idea of federalism. As a counterbalance to the power of the general gov't.

Unfortunately there is, today, few state senators that may have an interest in resisting the agenda of the Progressive-elite.

On “On To Germany… Or Somewhere?

I loved her. She was the epitamy of the prog. I'm pretty sure it was she that I 'insulted', but my, my she had a mouth.


North, ol' pal, how are you doin'?
Miss Martha sends her loving regards and trusts things are well.
Since I'm no longer 'limited' I'm sure this will go through unedited.
I don't think I have the strength for a full membership-I talk with Prof. Handley from time-to-time, but I may, if permitted, comment but as I approach the big 70 I've come to realize the 'progressives-progs' have won the day and I am reduced to buying guns and ammunition for the farm. As ever,
Yours-in-Christ (YIC)
Bob Cheeks

On “Tinker Tailor Soldier Blogger

Burt, what does, "socially out of line" even mean? Have I failed the PC test here at the League. Let me answer that, of course I have.
Bp, dude I like your style and broad knowledge and for the longest time I couldn't pin down what it was about you that set off alarms. The answer to the query (and I'm not being snarky) is that while you have an impressively broad knowledge, your analysis consistently derails. I'm assuming, and perhaps I'm wrong, but that particular problem has to do with your honestly proclaimed illness, and I wish you the best in recovery. BTW, Voegelin's finest hours may have been the re-introduction of the Metaxy.

E.D., I'm withdrawing from 'commenting' here. Of course I'd never put myself in a position where you could censor me and as you said this is your website. I do want to thank everyone for a fun couple of years.


Koz, dude, thank you. So far, you're the only one who has defended me, by referring to Herr Lt. Gruppenfuhrer Kain's threat to CENSOR me as "lame." Again, thanks because I know we don't agree on much but do agree on the idea of public speech. I find it interesting the number of self-proclaimed libruls and libertarians who haunt these pages and their failure to engage or even understand your perspective.

E.D., is your desire to CENSOR my speech, at this site, predicated on my humorous and accurate phrase, "commie-Dems" or is it based on the content? In this instance, my public and straightforward criticism of leftist women? Or, are their other instances where my political, moral, and societal ideas, and precepts have clashed with the radical progressivists here, and consequently you'd like to CENSOR my comments because you'd prefer what TvD refers to as an 'echo chamber'?

One other thing, and I'm not trying to be snarky, but would it be possible for the gentlemen on the masthead to publicly express their support or disagreement of your decision to CENSOR me, based on your criteria? I'd like to know their opinion and I think your readers would as well. Also, any remarks they have re: your decision would be of interest.


Whaaa, whaaa!

Hey, I ain't the guy who titled this establishment: "The League of Ordinary Gentlemen!"

One might make the argument that no, really devoted, librul would contribute here simply because of the obvious sexist nature inherent in that evil  name. In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of the editorial staff are growing rather wobbly as I write. All we need is a Ms. Flack to make a public remark concerning the 'sexist', non-inclusive' LoOG and our masthead boys loose their librul credentials and bladder control simultaneously! Hell, no wonder Freddie left!

I would think the title implies certain restrictions on the distaff side.How far the founding fathers wanted to go with these limitations I don't know and, frankly, don't care. Most women are confused and boring Leftist robots, mouthing the latest statist line and want a lot of gummint 'free' stuff. A very small minority are rather astute conservatives and consequently would be interesting to read. However, the leftist women who write here provide entertainment value. So please keep Kimmi and Kathrine!


Leave it alone, you progressivists, we don't need to worry about what 'women' might say.

Women can start there own, separate but equal, blog..I'll bet that would be interesting.

On “A Bloggy Puttanesca

It seems to me the best thing for you to do is allow Ward and Stillwater and Scott to make their comments. My goodness closing down the thread was a silly thing to do and casts a doubt on your personal integrity. Don't you see that?

I don't need the last word.


Tod, I see that Ward, Stillwater, and perhaps others had comments they wanted to make on the other thread and YOU shut it down, in a moment of pique, and blamed me. Bullpucky, your the one wimping out here. If you wanna be one of the boys on the masthead then act like it and engage in the argument, debate, etc and stop shutting down threads that hurt your feelings. Stop whining.


Tod, you don't really want me to leave? Say it ain't so!

I've oft confessed to having my jape here with libruls, bitch slapping them around with their own defomed ideological pathologlies, or having the audacity to actually disagree with their perverse thought. That's all, nothing mean, hell, not even personal. I kinda like the ones that go after me more than those who remain silent.

I've also confessed to being a flawed Christian offering hep to those who can't seem to shake the demons they embrace.

My critique was not about your writing style. I think your writing style is sufficient and you might even sell a piece or two should you try. I'd ask Jason about that. It's one thing to blog, its another to sell your stuff.  My critique was about the content of your writing which, in this instance, seemed hesitant to defend the theme that the beloved Rushbo had kissed the librul ass sufficient to move on, which was implied in your first offering. My disappointment had much more to do with your mettle and nothing to do with construct. My interpretation of these two blogs is that of a writer who appears equivocal, unsure of himself, a man who adheres to the E.D. school of political philosophy. My advice, which I'm aware is unrequested, is to grow a pair, and act like you stand for something. Hell, even an effete librul is capable of presenting a strong facade.


Tod, I'm sorry but I get the sense that we've grown a bit wobbly between the first blog and this one, re: Rush's comments about Ms. Flake? If so, does it pertain to the overwhelming criticism the Rushbo got and your apparent desire to run with the big dogs, even if at the back of the pack?

It's a lot more fun to defend your principles against all odds, rather like the olde Confederates at Sayler's Creek, than be a bootlick for the chatter nabobs.

On “I Honestly Can’t Tell Which Thing I’m Feeling More…

BSK, as I said, "anal retentive," but to be precise, "..anal retentive bureaucrat." A life well spent, licking the boots of one's superiors.

Bp, librium.



I hope you might render an opinion on central state healthcare and your support of or opposition to it. As, I'm opposed to Obamacommiecare on a political and moral level the Flake case only provides an example of one of the myriad of problems: the inclination of bureaucrats, the state, and its synchophants  to constantly expand their bureaucracies, and as a result, the oppressive power of the general gummint.

Of course, common sense informs us that Ms. Flake's birth control regime is her business. If she's so poor that she can't have the frequency of coitus she wants/needs it shouldn't be the problem of the general gummint. As I inferred earlier, I believe the American taxpayer is no more obligated to supply Ms. Flake's birth control then they are to supply her toilet paper, although I do hate to give the commie-dems ideas.


whaaa, whaaa!

The thing about MOST commie-Dems is that while they can dish it out, they sure as hell can't take it. A bunch of whining, crying, sissies!


Mark, I love it when you talk dirty! And, btw, thanks for the clarification....ahrummmmmph, wink, secret hand signal!


Chris, how ya doin?

Hell, I thought this was 'performance art?'


Do the one about the guy who went home and blew his brains out!


BSK, please pay attention to what Ward has written for you. To follow the logic another step, once the federalis have FORCED the insurance companies to pay for the FREE contraceptive services, the insurance companies will pass that cost along to their customers. Now follow this BSK: the insurance companies customers are taxpayers, more precisely, productive members of our society who will be, once again, FORCED to carry the deadbeats like Ms. Fluke.


Dude, you gotta be an anal retentive apparatchik of some sort?

"Papers, please!"


BSK, I get a pass because I'm admired and loved here, particularly by a secret someone on the editorial board who constantly thwarts these puerile efforts to ban-the-Bob! My guess is, I'll be here to remind younz guys just how silly and dangerous your derailed, statist, thinking really is for a long time.

But, my critique is always rendered with love and the hope of drawing confused libruls from the abyss.


SMSS, thanks for the warning. I thought libruls were all about peace and love? I think, however, it's difficult for Ms. Kathrine to consider that there are those who find her particular ideological pathologies deeply offensive in terms of liberty and freedom.

Mark, I am of the opinion that Rush's "feminazi" was singularly appropriate in this context. But, hey, that's what the site all about; differences of opinion.



If there's any agreement re: contraception between the regime and the Roman Catholic Church, there is, in effect, no more Roman Catholic Church.


Mark, Mark, thank you for straightening out my error!

Who'da thunk it? I have taken so little notice of the lady's remarks that I thought she was new to the site.


So, like the Rushbo, please allow me to APOLOGIZE for saying that I had seniority on you here, Kathrine, and allow me to call to the attention of all the publicans here, that you are older then I am (on this site). I'm pretty sure, that even though Ms. Kathrine is angry, she'll be very civil and gregarious and accept my APOLOGY in the spirit in which it was offered. Hands across the waters, ebony and ivory, ying and yang.


Every once in a while a little illumination. It's why I check.

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