Category: First Person
the receiving end
Please don’t defend Roy Moore. At least not where I can hear it.
[CN: more or less the same as yesterday’s feature, to which this one relates. Relationships with a very large age gap, where one partner is a teenager. I was personally very upset by one sentence in here, but because of how very well it articulated something the author criticizes, a thing that my father also wanted and shouldn’t have wanted – a thing that another old man I know who is on trial right now also wanted and shouldn’t have wanted – not because of anything explicit. The essay was more than worth the resulting flashbacks, but I was grateful to have been warned before I read it. Can you have a trigger warning for insight? (Don’t get distracted into debating that in the comments, please.) — Maribou]
Some Moments in the Life of the Consort of the Priestess of Bast
It is mostly very easy to be the Consort of the Priestess of Bast. Sometimes it is very hard.
Soccer Ball Kitty Demonstrates Her Strength
In which a fourteen-pound cat causes sleep-deprived Burt Likko a week’s worth of trouble.
A Fourth Qatari Travelogue: Health Care and Fate
A fourth business trip to Qatar, this time with a visit to a medical clinic
Bad Moon Rising
“November 8, 2016, 4pm. My boss swings by my desk. She’s smiling, putting her coat on, talking of champagne with neighbors. She leaves, I check Facebook. Lots of selfies. One from Liv- white pantsuit, red ‘I voted’ sticker, red lipstick to match. It’s all planned. I close it. I flash back to 2004, downtown Hilton, DNC headquarters. A young democrat plays a hopeful melody on the lobby piano while we all get drunk in the ballroom bracing for victory, which never comes.”
The Joys of Being Awake For Orthopedic Procedures
Some experiences are best shared, because you really DON’T want to experience it for yourself.
Feeling old, typing edition
In which the author and a third grade teacher share mutual incomprehension.