quote of the day
“Talk about misplaced anger. Wall Street built a wooden house, stuffed it with flammable material, set it on fire, and then poured gasoline on the blaze. And now it’s blaming the inferno on the...
“Talk about misplaced anger. Wall Street built a wooden house, stuffed it with flammable material, set it on fire, and then poured gasoline on the blaze. And now it’s blaming the inferno on the...
Writes Yglesias: Let the business geniuses, if any there be in these firms, get out and go do something useful. What a concept…
I guess there’s only one guy to blame for the AIG bonuses, so next time Obama revs up the populist righteous indignation he knows who to direct it at….
Jack Gillis proves that sometimes less is more: Dear Abby: I’ve been in a long-term relationship with Benry. Bank cheated on me back in the 1930s but I put my foot down at the...
Megan McArdle completely misses the point of “fake news”, or at least she’s missed the point of the Daily Show, which along with the fake punditry of Stephen Colbert is just about the best...
I’ve found that those who defend Bernanke as having inherited Greenspan’s mess are most likely to have first heard Bernanke’s name on the day Bush nominated him. But he’s played an important role in...
So I was listening to NPR this morning and a Japanese economist was talking about their “lost decade” and chalked it up to what he termed “balance sheet recession.” Basically, too many people...
Predictions are a mugs game, and mine are worse than most, so take this with a grain of salt. But I see two likely narratives emerging concerning Arnold Schwarzenegger, neither of which I like....
The loss of our self-understanding as parts of a whole meant that individuals who achieved material success were able to consider their achievement as fully their own. By contrast, those who happened to be...
I lived in Vancouver, BC for two years and honeymooned there years later, but the extent of my knowledge in regards to Canada is limited mainly to such trivial (yet ironically important) matters as...
In response to Freddie, Ross Douthat writes: The issue is the risk the Democrats are taking, period, by spending enormous sums that aren’t obviously justified by the current crisis, at the start of an...
Scott coins an interesting term: post-postmodern. The essence of the post-postmodern man, it seems, is a sort of meshing of Reason and Tradition that eschews both the ignorance and outdatedness of many old practices...