Mandalorian II: The Mandalorianing (Spoilers)
Eventually, The Mandalorian may get to a bigger conflict and heavier stakes, but it’s taking its time, earning those increased stakes.
Eventually, The Mandalorian may get to a bigger conflict and heavier stakes, but it’s taking its time, earning those increased stakes.
Now as 2020 starts to churn towards the end, it’s time for another report card for the film industry.
Because part of becoming a modern adult is learning to hate everything that might have made you happy as a kid.
Superman, Gary Cooper, Straw Man Fallacy, and Hollywood’s 50-some-odd years of embracing the anti-hero to a ridiculous extreme.
Imposing a monoculture on a diverse ecosystem? That’s the way the Empire thinks.
I figured I’d rank my top ten favorite classic horror films to watch in the coming weeks of this year’s fright season.
The final four episodes — which rival anything this side of The Empire Strikes Back — puts an exclamation point on one thing: this is not a series about Anakin Skywalker. The real protagonist of the series is Ahsoka Tano, his padawan.
Avatar: The Last Airbender was good enough I’ll recommend it anybody. It’s got action, romance, character development, and non-stupid characters
Tales From The Loop is mostly an anthology of interconnected stories involving a mysterious lab that is also the major employer in a relatively small town.
I call the way I approach film as “The Meh Plateau.” Most movies do not suck, nor are most movies amazing.
Who’s the best Batman of them all? I have decided to try to tackle the question of “Which actor is the best Batman?”
This week, I finally got up the nerve to write about Agnès Varda’s masterpiece “Vagabond,” a sort of reverse murder mystery: instead of wondering who killed the main character and why, we wonder who failed to save her and how.
Most Hollywood histories begin in the 1920s. However, the story of Hollywood and its coming domination in cinema truly begins in 1914
“The Dawn Of Cinema” or the pre-Hollywood years. And amazingly at over a hundred years old there’s some short films from this time that have stuck with us.
The play “Hamilton” offers us a false choice between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. But the two are morally equivalent.
That first ingredient for the recipe of having cinema come to existence happened could be argued to have taken place in several moments of mankind’s past.
The bonds between Miyazaki’s characters are the sinews binding his movies together, bringing all this wondrous art, imagery, and themes into one coherent whole.
Carl Reiner was one of the funniest men in show business for almost 70 years, which hardly seems possible.
You don’t have to be an animator to draw inspiration from Miyazaki’s films. Nor do you need to be an expert on anime. All that’s required is an appreciation for great film-making.
I’m going to tell you about the first time I showed “Jaws” to my college roommate.