Category: Culture
Weekend Plans Post: Almost time to Winterize. Almost.
We had the talk about the AC.
Just the talk, though.
Breaking Down the Band: Oasis, Radiohead, and Pearl Jam
Three Fans Talk About The Best Shows, Albums, and Songs from Oasis, Radiohead, and Pearl Jam
The 2024 Best Picture Oscar Race: The Post Fall Festivals High
I currently have 35 films among 7 tiers that I consider to be competitive for a 2024 Best Picture Oscar nomination at differing levels.
Who is This “They” of Whom You Speak, Russell Brand?
The question I’m beginning to ask more and more when I see this sort of thing is: who the hell is this “they” you’re talking about? Let’s go through this…
I Wanted a Stealth Fighter But This is Ridiculous
The military is pretty tight-lipped, especially when the story is embarrassing, so we may never know the full story of the errant F-35
Fumigating with Coq au Vin
Over the last couple of decades I’ve played around with various versions of coq au vin, but I’ve always kept dominance over nature in mind.
Barbie, Motherhood, and the Political Climate
Patriarchy isn’t a trick: it exists for a reason…Did Barbie walk into a trap the patriarchy set?
POETS Day! A Few from Hart Crane
I love Hart Crane, but in fractions. Crane, for me at least and I’m a bit slow on various uptakes, requires a different mindset.
Weekend Plans Post: On Giving Dating Advice
I had to take a Lyft the other day. The driver asked me “How do you find a good woman?”
9/11 at 22: Are We Forgetting?
May the memories of the 2,977 murdered on September 11, 2001 always be for a blessing. This must never be forgotten.
The Month in Theaters: August 2023
Eight movies in theaters, with ten movies otherwise, with one repeat, for a total of seventeen reviews. A decent month, but nowhere near as good as July.
Weekend Plans Post: Timey Wimey
Man, a long weekend just wrecks all kinds of being able to keep track of stuff.
POETS Day! Revisiting Clampitt with Cummings In Mind
There’s a valid complaint about poetry written beginning somewhere in the middle of the last century that claims modern poetry is written for a smaller and smaller audience of attuned readers
I’m Worried About the Gadsden Flag Kid
Adult right-wing influencers are parading the Gadsden Flag kid around the internet like an idol, a life no 12-year-old is ready for.
Saturday Morning Gaming: Starfield
Jaybird makes his Starfield character: “You have a spaceship and a mission: GET YOUR MACGUFFIN TO THE PEOPLE WHO WANT IT! I’m hooked”
POETS Day! Thomas Hardy
Biographer Claire Tomalin claims the death of his wife signals “the moment when Thomas Hardy became a great poet,” and calls the Emma poems the “finest and strangest celebrations of the dead in English poetry.”
Likening Fear and Fridays: Zach Bryan’s Latest LP
The sky is the limit for young Zach Bryan. Here’s to hoping he keeps churning out excellent songs month after month and year after year.