Saturday Morning Gaming: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
A choose your own adventure, of sorts.
A choose your own adventure, of sorts.
“Fourteeners” is what you call iambic heptameter when it’s at home. It’s a fourteen-syllable poetic line divvied up into seven feet of paired syllables, unstressed followed by stressed.
In which Jaybird rants about progress.
This is not about every libertarian. However, the basic tenets of libertarianism draw some people with poor social impulses and instincts.
I saw fifteen movies in theaters (likely a personal record,) with two repeats, and an additional fifteen movies otherwise, for a total of twenty-eight reviews..
This weeks free games from the Epic Game Store are Q.U.B.E. and Q,U.B.E. 2, a nice little FPS puzzle game obviously inspired by Portal
She’s iconic and unavoidable so I girded myself and waded into her body of work. She only published ten poems in her lifetime
While it’s true I could be using my time better, say, to finish a PhD dissertation, my disposition improves with each passing hour of sitting and observing.
Costco is selling a fusion videogame/pinball machine with 10, count’em, 10 Star Wars pinball machines on it.
I’ve been fascinated by James Joyce’s Ulysses ever since I thumbed through my father’s college copy and a Uriah Heap concert ticket fell out.
Holy cow. We might have actually finished up a bunch of stuff. (Knock wood.)
Considering the ingredients, that should elicit a “Lé Fresca, Sherlock,” but given the hindsight obviousness of the combination, it was better than expected.
The Water Lily Pond is a 2016 science fiction novel by our own Michael Siegel.
While it’s tempting to see “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare as a gentle story about forgiveness, love, and magic, its central protagonist makes that interpretation very difficult.
The studio was stuck between making things right for the players and making things right for the Venture Capitalists…and everybody lost
The real stuff that can hurt you is more dangerous than the imaginary that can scare you, so his inventions cling to familiar things. In the same vein, CS Lewis’s conception of beauty is simply grounded.
I keep being surprised by 20 year items lasting only 20 years or so.
Marriage often gets a bad rap. In the sitcom world, marriage is a joke, a trope used to lob insults and putdowns back and forth between man and wife.
Most of the sniping at Oliver Anthony mostly just complained the song wasn’t about their hobby horses, without actually addressing his complaints.