Alex Jones And All The Money in the World

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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4 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    1. Why not both? The right-wing sphere is filled with people who know how to milk the marks but are also true believers in nutty lies like the Big Lie. Tucker is a master grifter and true believer.

    2. Charlie Kirk and Anthony Sabatini came out with post-verdict defenses: How craven and pathetic does a person need to be to make Alex Jones a hill to die on?

    3. I hope the hipsters of Austin are seriously reflecting on the days when they treated Jones like a kooky pet for his wee hours public access TV show.Report

    • 2. Grift knows grift. They’re shadowy reflections fo Jones, having no principles and just wanting to terrify the marks into giving them more money and attention.Report

    • Dark Matter in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      RE: Why not both?
      When dealing with the mentally ill, I’ve found it impossible to step into their head. They claim to believe [x], someone who believed that would do [y], they don’t do [y]… but the claim to believe [x] is so self destructive that it’s hard to see why they’d be lying.

      For Jones, what he did wasn’t self destructive and the entire situation is best explained by him being a lying dirtbag generating money for himself. So he’s a bad actor, and whether or not he’s convinced himself that he’s telling the truth doesn’t really matter.

      RE: true believers in nutty lies like the Big Lie
      This is religion territory rather than mental illness territory. You claim to believe [x], even though it’s irrational and you don’t act like it, because it’s a matter of faith and it’s virtue signaling in your community.

      For all the people who claim they believe in miracles on tap and can whip up healing with prayer, the number who kill their kids by avoiding modern medicine is vanishing small.Report