Well hello there…


One man. Two boys. Twelve kids.

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43 Responses

  1. Welcome to the front page, amigo.

    Anyone who makes a throw-away reference to Naughty by Nature is cool by me.Report

  2. Roger says:

    Looking forward to more FP stuff from you, Kazzy.Report

  3. Sam says:

    Although I’m willing to greet you, I’m not giving any ground on LeBron James’s utter awfulness.Report

  4. Doodle God 2 says:

    continuously i used to read smaller articles which as well clear their motive, and that is
    also happening with this piece of writing which I am reading now.Report

  5. aaron david says:

    If your new Friday night jukebox plan involves NFL players “rapping,” there will be words.Report

  6. North says:

    “He is recently married and has a quantity of cats that exceeds his preference (0) but falls short of his wife’s (“all of them”).”

    Nyan. Cat. Space. Awsome.Report

  7. Johanna says:

    Awesomely cool, BSKazzy. Couldn’t happen to a better guy.Report

  8. Mike Dwyer says:

    Welcome aboard!Report

  9. BlaiseP says:

    Your problem with cats, Kazzy, is that you need a cat of your own, a large bruiser capable of keeping those other kitties on the straight and narrow. I had such a cat, Toby by name, Tobusaurus pascalii , a throwback to Jurassic age, who lorded it over the other kitties and fiercely defended our home, dispatching and disembowelling tyrannous rodents, loudly evicting raccoons and opossums and especially trespassing cats. He would climb up on my work desk and lay on my wrist, fiercely purring while I tried to manipulate the computer mouse. A cunning and vicious creature, a football cat if you will.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to BlaiseP says:

      I thought I had done this… We got two cats from the same litter. I picked an adventerous all-black male; first one to stop weening, befriended the dog, first one to make eye contact. Tough little fisher. Three weeks later, the vet confirms he is a she and suddenly all the cool boy stuff turned into bitchy girl stuff. The three femalines now team up on me. I will have to make a better second attempt!Report

  10. Jaybird says:

    I’ll be able to write a more fulsome welcome after I wake up.Report

  11. Boegiboe says:

    Who let you in here? I’m lodging a protest. Well, OK, I won’t since I have a feeling I’d get ejected before you.

    But my daughter is cuter than yours. At least as cute, anyway. How do you keep defusing my aggression? Are you using toddler-fu on me?

    Actually, it is possible I will read your jock articles, which would mean I would learn about sports at an approximately 500,000% greater rate than I have previously been doing at the League. I may grow to hate you for that, toddler-fu or no.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Boegiboe says:

      Thanks for the welcome and the support. And I am sure your daughter is cuter than mine… What makes you think I have one???Report

      • Boegiboe in reply to Kazzy says:

        Kazzy is very much welcomed by Boegiboe. So welcomed that Boegiboe attempted humor. Bad goblin!

        I had intended this as a bizarre joke welcome, meant to fit with the slightly absurd (and well-done) tone of your introduction. I do apologize for misremembering your gravatar being a picture of a cute little girl, instead of the picture of a cute little boy it actually is; for some reason, your gravatar wasn’t showing up at all for me when I commented earlier. This error may have misled you to think I might be confusing you with someone else.

        Definitely gotta close that html. I do not promise not to be silly in the future.Report

        • Kazzy in reply to Boegiboe says:

          My response was, too, a joke. I assumed it might have been the gravatar, which I actually stole from a Google Image search using an old nickname (bonus points if anyone can determine what it was… two words that don’t seemingly go together).

          That being said, as a pre-school teacher, I am well-versed in toddler-fu, so be forewarned. I live in their world… I’ve learned their ways.Report

  12. “He is always in the mood for it and after spending a combined 7 years living in Boston and Maryland, has vowed to never live in an area with subpar pizza ever again.”

    A wiser vow has never been made.Report

  13. Murali says:

    Welcome Kazzy. And if and when I head over to boston later this year I will try out the pizzasReport

  14. Kazzy,

    I look forward to reading your posts.Report

  15. Anne says:


    Ok what is this great eggplant trick? I’m mostly a vegetarian (couldn’t give up sushi) and I love me some eggplant done right but hard to find and I have not been entirely successful in my experimentation with the aubergineReport

    • Kazzy in reply to Anne says:

      Anne- I’ll write up a full set of directions at home since it is too much to do on the iPad. In a nutshell, you salt the eggplant ahead of time to purge if of extra water. Gives it that meaty consistency instead of mush. Would make a nice addition to a vegitarian diet. Should have it up by later this evening!Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Kazzy says:

        Hey Anne-

        Okay, here’s the gist of it:

        1.) Prepare your eggplant for whatever your final use will be. I peel it and cut into semi-thick rings, but this procedure works with skin on and/or cut lengthwise. If you are doing cubed (which I’ve never done), I suggest cutting it into larger pieces and then cube afterwards.
        2.) Place a cooling rack over the sink or dish towel (liquid will drip through). Spread eggplant on rack.
        3.) Coat top side amply with kosher salt. You really can’t use too much salt at this point, as you’ll eventually rinse the eggplant and most (but not all) will wash away. If the recipe calls for salt, you might want to reduce that a bit during final preparations.
        4.) Wait 15 minutes.
        5.) Flip and repeat step #3. Depending on the thickness of the eggplant and/or the time you have, you can repeat this process another time. Throughout this process, you’ll notice what looks like slime collecting on top. This is good! It is the excess liquid leaching out of the eggplant. You might also see some slight browning, which is simply oxidation. Doesn’t effect taste assuming none of the browning was present before.
        6.) Rinse the eggplant well with running water and gently squeeze it out, almost like wringing the water out of a sponge.
        7.) Line a cookie sheet with two layers of paper towels. Spread eggplant pieces on top of paper towels. Top this with another two layers of paper towels and then another cookie sheet that can nest inside the first one. Place something heavy on top. Basically, you’re making a sandwich to further squeeze out liquid from the eggplant and to dry it.
        8. Wait 10 minutes.
        9. Your eggplant is ready to go!

        The process seems complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it is really quite simple. It does take time, as there is a lot of waiting, but it makes a huge difference. It gives the eggplant a really meaty consistency and allows the flavor to shine through. I really can’t recommend this process highly enough. I went from hating the little purple bastards to loving them.

        For final prep, we like to give it a simple breading (flour dredge, egg, panko crumbs) and flash fry it in oil. But, as a vegetarian, you could give it a light marinade or simple coat of olive oil with S&P and grill it to make something barely approximating a “steak”. You probably want to cut it lengthwise and thicker for this.

        Any questions? If not, enjoy!Report

  16. James K says:

    Welcome to the front page Kazzy.Report

  17. Kazzy says:

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! I apologize for the dearth-and-then-flurry of comments… couldn’t get the site to properly load on the iPad for most of the day. Looking forward to throwing some more absurdity up here!Report

  18. Miss Mary says:

    I am ridiculously giddy you are on the front page now.

    Fun fact I learned from my friends in Australia: They put egg on their pizza and it sounds disgusting.

    If I could cook I would totally try your eggplant recipe because it sounds yummy.Report