Conspiracy Theorists, Start Your Engines
I’d be the world’s biggest idiot to comment on this story, but it seemed I had to mention it. I have nothing whatsoever to say, and I won’t be participating in the comment thread....
I’d be the world’s biggest idiot to comment on this story, but it seemed I had to mention it. I have nothing whatsoever to say, and I won’t be participating in the comment thread....
You all know that I’m not a religious believer. But you might ask: What fills the God-shaped hole? Something has to, right? It’s a fair question, but my answer is pretty weird. I don’t...
Just so people know, I think that this is a good example of why we need religious freedom: Deep in grief, Barbara Johnson stood first in the line for Communion at her mother’s funeral...
Rostand’s second poem from Les Musardises, entitled “The Bedroom.” For my English translation I chose rhymed couplets, though I admit with BlaiseP that there’s a procrustean quality to some of them. Incidentally, the author...
A much more comprehensible follow-up column here. The charitable interpretation will be that he took the marbles out of his mouth and made some sensible points about how biology sits in tension with every...
As if I needed another blog! This one’s dedicated to translating some of the never-before-translated work of the French neo-Romantic poet Edmond Rostand, author of Cyrano de Bergerac and member of the Académie française....
Tom quotes a Rasmussen poll: 39% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the government should require a church or religious organization to provide contraceptives for women even if it violates their deeply held beliefs. Fifty...
Chat away. I’m having trouble reading the decision at the moment, but I understand that the Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court judgment — Prop 8 is no more. Rational basis review just got...
…so that makes it okay. Right? In January, prodded in part by outrage over a series of articles in the New York Review of Books, the Justice Department finally released an estimate of the...
The U.S. Constitution is full of terms of art — short legal phrases with deep implications and even deeper historical roots. One such phrase is the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee that no one will be...
Even people who have never read a page of Hobbes have probably seen the frontispiece of Leviathan. It’s a body, made up of bodies. (Yeah, there are other bits down below. We’ll talk about...
For most privileged, professional people, the experience of confinement is a mere brush, encountered after a kid’s arrest, say. For a great many poor people in America, particularly poor black men, prison is a...
There’s been a lot of discussion of Charles Murray’s “How Thick Is Your Bubble” quiz from Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. Surprisingly, I think we all generally agree on a few...
I’m curious what left-leaning types around here think of Charles Murray’s quiz — How Thick Is Your Bubble? Here’s the underlying thesis: As the new upper class increasingly consists of people who were born...
I never watch the damn thing. I hate applause. But here are my reactions to the prepared remarks. We gather tonight knowing that this generation of heroes has made the United States safer and...
I’ve been sent an advance copy of John Tomasi’s forthcoming book Free Market Fairness, due to appear in March. It’s very good, but I’m going to hold off blogging about it until the book...
“Ocean Grove is a favorite anti-gay talking point, brought up over and over again, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, because it’s their best example of how marriage equality threatens their religious freedom in America. What...
Philip Kitcher expresses a frustration I’ve also had with Derek Parfit: Consider the case that Parfit refers to as “Bridge,” a variant on a much-discussed scenario. In the canonical version, five people are bound...
Over at Daily Caller, Lisa De Pasquale frets about the sad fate of gay conservatives: Everyone from Justin Bieber to Joe Biden has recorded videos in support of the “It Gets Better” project, which...