Domestic Violence Is A Giant Problem. Is It Also a Football Problem?

Mark of New Jersey

Mark is a Founding Editor of The League of Ordinary Gentlemen, the predecessor of Ordinary Times.

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11 Responses

  1. greginak says:

    I think you are correct about the lack of usefulness of the income data. Being a pro/NFL athlete is just different a thing to meaningfully compare to general income.

    I think there in general far to much talk about DV in the NFL given that pro sports is the .0001 percent of people and what applies there doesn’t really affect how regular people are treated. I have never known a person who was accused of DV or child abuse to lose a job over it unless there were police charges and it hit the media. Most DV and child abuse does nto lead to police charges or get in the paper/on tv. Most peoples jobs don’t involve being entertainers and PR pitchpeople where their image matters.

    That being said it would hardly be surprising if the culture of football and the physical toll leads to violence outside the lines. Hockey players, mostly enforcer types, have had plenty of the same kind of problems.Report

  2. NobAkimoto says:

    I think this is one of those under-reported parts about the NFL’s business model: specifically that it has no developmental model and no guaranteed employment. The end result is that it grinds up and spits out players in a way that no other sport does. (That said in terms of being brutal on the body, hockey is just as bad, with the median seasons for an NHL player being 4)Report

  3. Lyle says:

    All be it that more of the players in the NHL are not US citizens, hockey has similar concussion rates. How do domestic violence rates look in the NHL? (Unless it is that Canadians are by nature less likley to commit domestic violence?) Or to add one sport where giving a concussion is the point of the exercise (boxing) where a knockout is desirable, how about boxers?
    I could agree that those who have some brain damage may have poorer self control however.Report

  4. Brandon Berg says:

    In the context of analyzing professional athletes, this comparison effectively assumes that one who grows up in a difficult or at least non-privileged environment can largely escape the impact of those conditions in just a short period of time making an obscene amount of money.

    Also, genetics. It’s not just a club to bash creationists with.Report

  5. Matt Larson says:

    Realistically, you probably are looking at a group of athletes that are probably on/have been on steroids due to performance pressures. Steroids are known to increase the level of aggression toward a domestic partner. Source:

    I find that a lot more likely explanation than “current income level”.Report