Coming Soon to an Ordinary Blog Near You….
A preview of topics I will (hopefully) finish covering in the next week to tenday:
- Hardpower and Magic: Case Studies from Avlis Pt.2.
A look into the effects of magic into warfare and “national security” considerations. - Changing of the Guard: East Asia Edition.
A brief look into the new heads of government of the PRC, Japan and the Republic of Korea. - The South Sea Bubble and Modern Conservatism
A comparison of the Scribelous Club and the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble and Enlightenment with the modern conserva-media-industrial complex.
This list is subject to change without a lot of notice, but I’m putting it up here as a spur and preemptive question session.
Are there questions I MUST answer ahead of time on these subjects so I don’t miss them?
Otherwise, consider this an open thread!
Did you just listen to the BBC: In Our Time podcast episode regarding the South Sea Bubble or is this just an incredible coincidence?Report
Funny you should mention In Our Time.
It was actually the episode on the Scribelous Club that made me think of the South Sea Bubble and the Club itself as being rather similar to modern conservatism.
Jonathan Swift makes Mark Stein seem like a nice person.Report
That is to say, no I didn’t come up with the post after listening to that one, though it was a good podcast. Did leave out some pertinent things, and sometimes I find Melvyn Bragg one of the most infuriating interviews/hosts on radio. I feel like I could do a better job…Report
Magic? Seriously?Report
It’s a long running thread, James.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Sadly, Part 3 got almost no response…I’m wondering if I messed up the format.Report
Ah, I may have to find time to read them.Report