Win the NBA Trivia Challenge and Rule My Gravatar!
Believe it or not, we’re now less than week away from the start of the new NBA season. After last year’s lockout debacle, it’s especially comforting to know I’ll have my League Pass to help keep me warm through another dark, rainy Portland winter. I’m sure I’ll write a bit about the season as it unfolds, but for now I thought I’d get my B-Ball juices flowing with a little NBA trivia challenge – with the winner getting a little temporary control of my gravatar.
I’ve tried to walk that fine line of making the answers (mostly) not obvious, but not so wonky that even the most casual fan couldn’t at least take a shot at making some educated guesses. You won’t find any questions along the lines of “What was Cedric Ceballos’s free throw percentage in 1993?” Some questions will ask something where the answer is dependent upon something done in a particular year, but in that case you need only answer the name of the team – you do not have to identify the year in which it was done. So for the question “Which team won the most games?,” either “Chicago” or “Bulls” is acceptable. You don’t need to say “The 1995-6 Chicago Bulls”
Whoever gets the most points will be declared the winner on Sunday morning, when I will post the answers. If you wish you may discuss with spouses, friends or coworkers. However, you should answer on your own before viewing what other people wrote down. Also, googling is strictly forbidden! So too is looking in a book, rifling through your old Sports Illustrateds or calling your local sports talk radio show. You’ll simply be on your honor not to cheat, but know that if you do and lie about it you will make the baby Jesus weep and most likely burn in a pit of fiery torment for all eternity.
The winner is allowed to pick any NBA team logo to be my gravatar for the month of November – even the Clippers. A tie will be decided by a question to be named later, if needed.
Given that it’s more than possible for multiple people to know the answers to these questions, please rot13 your answer. That’s a simple encryption that will allow the folks who want to answer these questions “fresh” to do so and also allow people who want to peek (or argue!) your answers to do so as well.
Questions after the jump.
1. Who are the only three NBA players to win back-to-back championships with two different teams? (Scoring: One point for each correct guess, minus one point for each incorrect guess. Note: negative points only go against scoring for this question.)
Bonus Question: What other notable fact do they have in common?
2. What trivial fact binds Gilbert Arenas, Manu Ginobili and Carlos Boozer?
3. Aside from being All-Stars, what unusual qualifier do the Timberwolves’ Kevin Love, the Celtic’s Rajon Rondo and the Lakers’ Kobe Bryant share with Celtic great Bill Russell?
4. Since 1980, the Philadelphia 76ers and the Dallas Mavericks have each done something just once; no other NBA team can make this claim. What is it?
5. In the history of the NBA, what is the only college to have more than two first overall draft picks?
6. Michael Jordon, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett and Gary Payton are all currently tied for an NBA record. What record would that be?
7. In the entire history of the NBA, what were both Michael Jordon and Allen Iverson – and only Michael Jordon and Allen Iverson –able to do in a single season?
8. What dubious honor went to current NBA players Dwight Howard, Rajon Ronda and Blake Griffin last year?
9. Which NBA franchise has the highest winning percentage of Game Sevens in the playoffs? Bonus Question: Which team has played in the most Game Sevens without winning a single one?
10. What is the only NBA Franchise that has never been to the playoffs while playing in the city they currently represent?
11. Which NBA team currently holds the streak for most years without making the playoffs?
12. Name the only four NBA teams that do not have a costumed mascot. (Scoring: One point for each correct guess, minus one point for each incorrect guess. Note: negative points only go against scoring for this question.)
13. Of the players that rank in the top three in terms Number of All Star appearances, how many played at one time or another for the Los Angeles Lakers? (Scoring: One point for the correct answer, plus one bonus point for each that you can name – assuming the answer is not “Zero.”)
14. It’s common knowledge that Kobe is chasing MJ’s six rings. However, in order to actually claim the title of Most Championships in the Past 40 Years he would need to beat another NBA great. Which player would that be?
15. Only one NBA team has had a six game losing streak during the regular season but still gone on to win the championship that same year. Which team was it?
16. What do the 3-Point Line, the Slam Dunk Contest, and Dr. J all have in common?
17. Aside for the fact that they are foreign-born players, what do Australian native Andrew Bogut, Italian native Andrea Bargnani and Nigerian native Michael Olowokandi all have in common?
18. Which NBA team has produced the most NBA Slam Dunk Champions?
19. Who is the only white NBA Slam Dunk Champion?
20. Name the only NBA color commentator to ever say in a major motion picture, “Feel these nipples!”
Good luck!
Cheating will make the baby Jesus burn in hell? Poor kid.Report
Our Tod is a vengeful Tod.Report
I know one! Oh, “last 40 years”. Never mind.
I’m going to guess #16 is “originated in the ABA”.Report
For the record, “Cedric Ceballos’s free throw percentage in 1993” was an easier question than some of these (at least to me).Report
My hope would be that no one would get them all right, and that whoever wins will have done so because a wild-ass guess ended up being correct.Report
5. V’zchggvatguvfnyyvabarfgevatorpnhfrn4yrggrefpubbyjbhyqorrnflgbfrrQhxr
16. Gurl fgnegrq va gur NON?
I’ll have to think about the rest.Report
1. Ng svefg V zvfvagrecergrq guvf, ohg V guvax lbh zhfg zrna Ubeel naq Ebqzna naq fbzrbar ryfr, ohg jub gung fbzrbar ryfr vf V qb abg xabj.
4. Guvf vf gur rnfvrfg bar. Gurl’ir obgu jba bar punzcvbafuvc. Rirelbar ryfr unf rvgure jba zber guna bar be abar.
6. Guvf bar jnf rnfl gbb: Nyy Qrsrafvir 1fg Grnz Fryrpgvbaf.
10. V’z thrffvat guvf vf gur Argf, fvapr guvf vf gurve svefg lrne va Oebbxyla.
11. Zvaarfbgn… qhu.
14. Eboreg Ubeel ntnva.
17. BX, V yvrq, guvf vf gur rnfvrfg bar: #1 cvpxf.
19. Oerag Oneel (V unq uryc jvgu guvf bar: V nfxrq n Fchef sna).
20. Gung’f tbggn or Znei Nyoreg.Report
P.S. By 2015, the answer to #5 will be _______ and Kentucky, I guarantee it.Report
Sbe #1, V jnf tbvat gb fnl “Rivy,” ohg V svtherq bayl Xraghpxl snaf jbhyq trg gung.Report
OK, here’s something I just learned: the rot13 for one word in that comment is itself spelled backwards. Cool.Report
I’m answering Dan Marleje for each one.Report
You can never be wrong with Thunder Dan.Report
3. Gurl nyy jrer ovegurq ol bar bs Jvyg’f gra gubhfnaq jbzraReport
That you cyphered that is what makes it special.Report
1. Jub ner gur bayl guerr AON cynlref gb jva onpx-gb-onpx punzcvbafuvcf jvgu gjb qvssrerag grnzf? (Fpbevat: Bar cbvag sbe rnpu pbeerpg thrff, zvahf bar cbvag sbe rnpu vapbeerpg thrff. Abgr: artngvir cbvagf bayl tb ntnvafg fpbevat sbe guvf dhrfgvba.)
Obahf Dhrfgvba: Jung bgure abgnoyr snpg qb gurl unir va pbzzba?
Obo Ubeel
2. Jung gevivny snpg ovaqf Tvyoreg Neranf, Znah Tvabovyv naq Pneybf Obbmre?
Qensgrq va gur 2aq ebhaq
3. Nfvqr sebz orvat Nyy-Fgnef, jung hahfhny dhnyvsvre qb gur Gvzorejbyirf’ Xriva Ybir, gur Prygvp’f Enwba Ebaqb naq gur Ynxref’ Xbor Oelnag funer jvgu Prygvp terng Ovyy Ehffryy?
Gurl unir arire orra va zl yvivat ebbz
4. Fvapr 1980, gur Cuvynqrycuvn 76ref naq gur Qnyynf Znirevpxf unir rnpu qbar fbzrguvat whfg bapr; ab bgure AON grnz pna znxr guvf pynvz. Jung vf vg?
Jva rknpgyl bar punzcvbafuvc.
5. Va gur uvfgbel bs gur AON, jung vf gur bayl pbyyrtr gb unir zber guna gjb svefg birenyy qensg cvpxf?
6. Zvpunry Wbeqba, Xbor Oelnag, Xriva Tneargg naq Tnel Cnlgba ner nyy pheeragyl gvrq sbe na AON erpbeq. Jung erpbeq jbhyq gung or?
Nyy Qrsrafr nccrnenaprf
7. Va gur ragver uvfgbel bs gur AON, jung jrer obgu Zvpunry Wbeqba naq Nyyra Virefba – naq bayl Zvpunry Wbeqba naq Nyyra Virefba –noyr gb qb va n fvatyr frnfba?
8. Jung qhovbhf ubabe jrag gb pheerag AON cynlref Qjvtug Ubjneq, Enwba Ebaqn naq Oynxr Tevssva ynfg lrne?
SG% &yg; 50%
9. Juvpu AON senapuvfr unf gur uvturfg jvaavat crepragntr bs Tnzr Friraf va gur cynlbssf? Obahf Dhrfgvba: Juvpu grnz unf cynlrq va gur zbfg Tnzr Friraf jvgubhg jvaavat n fvatyr bar?
Obfgba Prygvpf
10. Jung vf gur bayl AON Senapuvfr gung unf arire orra gb gur cynlbssf juvyr cynlvat va gur pvgl gurl pheeragyl ercerfrag?
11. Juvpu AON grnz pheeragyl ubyqf gur fgernx sbe zbfg lrnef jvgubhg znxvat gur cynlbssf?
12. Anzr gur bayl sbhe AON grnzf gung qb abg unir n pbfghzrq znfpbg. (Fpbevat: Bar cbvag sbe rnpu pbeerpg thrff, zvahf bar cbvag sbe rnpu vapbeerpg thrff. Abgr: artngvir cbvagf bayl tb ntnvafg fpbevat sbe guvf dhrfgvba.)
Ynxref, Xavpxf, Prygvpf, Argf
13. Bs gur cynlref gung enax va gur gbc guerr va grezf Ahzore bs Nyy Fgne nccrnenaprf, ubj znal cynlrq ng bar gvzr be nabgure sbe gur Ybf Natryrf Ynxref? (Fpbevat: Bar cbvag sbe gur pbeerpg nafjre, cyhf bar obahf cbvag sbe rnpu gung lbh pna anzr – nffhzvat gur nafjre vf abg “Mreb.”)
Gjb, Fund naq Xbor
14. Vg’f pbzzba xabjyrqtr gung Xbor vf punfvat ZW’f fvk evatf. Ubjrire, va beqre gb npghnyyl pynvz gur gvgyr bs Zbfg Punzcvbafuvcf va gur Cnfg 40 Lrnef ur jbhyq arrq gb orng nabgure AON terng. Juvpu cynlre jbhyq gung or?
Ovyy Ehffryy, 11
15. Bayl bar AON grnz unf unq n fvk tnzr ybfvat fgernx qhevat gur erthyne frnfba ohg fgvyy tbar ba gb jva gur punzcvbafuvc gung fnzr lrne. Juvpu grnz jnf vg?
16. Jung qb gur 3-Cbvag Yvar, gur Fynz Qhax Pbagrfg, naq Qe. W nyy unir va pbzzba?
Fgnegrq va gur NON
17. Nfvqr sbe gur snpg gung gurl ner sbervta-obea cynlref, jung qb Nhfgenyvna angvir Naqerj Obthg, Vgnyvna angvir Naqern Onetanav naq Avtrevna angvir Zvpunry Bybjbxnaqv nyy unir va pbzzba?
Cynlrq sbe n zvq-znwbe
18. Juvpu AON grnz unf cebqhprq gur zbfg AON Fynz Qhax Punzcvbaf?
19. Jub vf gur bayl juvgr AON Fynz Qhax Punzcvba?
20. Anzr gur bayl AON pbybe pbzzragngbe gb rire fnl va n znwbe zbgvba cvpgher, “Srry gurfr avccyrf!”
Npx, whfg erernq 14, vg’f nyfb Obo Ubeel, jvgu 7Report
Can someone delete this so I can rot 13 my answer?Report
How’s that?Report
Perfect, gracias!Report
Thanks for that.Report
Hmm, I seem to have posted another reply that disappeared into the aether? Did I get flagged as a troll?Report
No idea. Nothing got caught in the filter.Report
I grabbed it.Report
For #1, add: qraavf ebqzna naq ubyyljbbq unecre. Nyy cynlrq sbe gur Ynxref (gubhtu Ebqzna qvqa’g jva n evat jvgu gurz)Report
Responding to the ones I think I know off the top of my head…
1) Qhaab 3, ohg Eboreg Ubeel pbzrf gb zvaq va bar bs gubfr fybgf.
4) Jba punzcvbafuvc ntnvafg fnzr grnz gung qrsrngrq gurz cerivbhfyl gubhtu aba-pbafrphgviryl.
5) Trbetrgbja (rjvat, virefba, fbzrbar ryfr V pna’g erzrzore)
7) fpbevat gvgyr & 1fg grnz nyy-qrsrafr
8) gvr sbe zbfg grpuavpny sbhyf
9) ybfnatryrfYnxref
12) guhaqre, xavpxf, zvnzvurng, oynmref
18) ngynagn unjxf (fchqq jroo, qbzvavdhr jvyxvaf, Wbfu fzvgu)
19) oerag oneel
20) Znei Nyoreg?Report
1. Obo Ubeel, yrg zr guvax ba gur erfg.
2. Qensgrq va gur 2aq ebhaq
4. Jva rknpgyl bar punzcvbafuvc.
5. Hpyn
6. Nyy Qrsrafr nccrnenaprf
8. SG crepragntr haqre svsgl creprag
9. Obfgba Prygvpf
10. Obopngf
11. G-jbyirf
12. Ynxref, Xavpxf, Prygvpf, Argf
13. Gjb, Fund naq Xbor
14. Bevtvanyyl chg Ovyy Ehffryy, 11 – nsgre erernqvat ernyvmrq vg’f Obo Ubeel, jvgu 7
15. Ebpxrgf
16. Fgnegrq va gur NON
17. Cynlrq sbe n zvq-znwbe
18. Ohyyf
20. Obo PbfgnfReport
4. Since 1980, the Philadelphia 76ers and the Dallas Mavericks have each done something just once; no other NBA team can make this claim. What is it?
The 6ers lost a charity match to a team of 10-year-old girls The Mavericks lost a playoff series to the Warriors, which is pretty much the same thing.
17. Aside for the fact that they are foreign-born players, what do Australian native Andrew Bogut, Italian native Andrea Bargnani and Nigerian native Michael Olowokandi all have in common?
None of them will play one fully healthy game for the Warriors.Report
But the Warriors did have a healthy Manute Bol, which is almost equal to an unhealthy Andrew Bogut.
And congrats to the Giants for that a**kicking last night. That chilfren’s cartoon character had a game for the ages. It was a privilege to watch.Report
It was nice to see his single, too. Standing next to Fielder, he looked normal-sized.Report
1 – Ebqzna jba jvgu Cvfgbaf & Ohyyf
Ubeel jba jvgu Ebpxrgf & Ynxref.
pna’g pbzr hc jvgu gur 3eq.
14 – Ubeel (frr nobir). n arng ovg bs gevivn gung bhgfvqr bs Ehffryy & uvf grnzzngrf, Ubeel unf jba gur zbfg punzcvbafuvcf (7). Qrfcvgr gung, jbhyq abg ivrj uvf nf n terng – whfg n terng ebyr cynlre.Report
Rtod, you may wish to include a sentence or two like the following prior to the cut in your delightful post:
Given that it’s more than possible for multiple people to know the answers to these questions, please rot13 your answer. That’s a simple encryption that will allow the folks who want to answer these questions “fresh” to do so and also allow people who want to peek (or argue!) your answers to do so as well.Report
An excellent suggestion.
1. Eboreg Ubeel
2. Frpbaq ebhaq cvpxf jub orpnzr nyy-fgnef
3. Nfvqr sebz orvat Nyy-Fgnef, jung hahfhny dhnyvsvre qb gur Gvzorejbyirf’ Xriva Ybir, gur Prygvp’f Enwba Ebaqb naq gur Ynxref’ Xbor Oelnag funer jvgu Prygvp terng Ovyy Ehffryy?
4. AON punzcvbaf; nyy bguref jvaaref jba zhygvcyr gvzrf va gung crevbq
5. Trbetrgbja.
6. Nyy-Qrsrafvir grnzf
7. AON svanyf cnegvpvcnag naq fpbevat punzcvba
8. Ybjrfg SG%
9. Obfgba Prygvpf; Ahttrgf
10. Oebbxyla Argf
11. Fnpenzragb Xvatf
12. Prygvpf, Ynxref, Xavpxf, 76ref
13. Guerr: fund, Xbor, Xnerrz
14. Ubeel
15. Ynxref
16. Fgnegrq va NON
17. #1 cvpxf
18. Unjxf
19. Oerag Oneel
20. Puneyrf OnexyrlReport
I’ll take the Washington Generals for $500!
What are the Bail Blazers?Report