Trump’s Unforced Error

Photo by the Office of the Vice President. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
The new and former president is repeating the same mistake that he made in his first term, the same mistake that Joe Biden and others have made as well. This mistake is going to doom his presidency, and it was all very predictable.
The mistake is this: When treated to a slim 49 percent win, a 1.5 percent margin of victory, Trump and the Republicans are coming out of the gate acting like a party that has never held power before and never will again. They are like kids in the Executive Order candy store.
What they should be doing is building consensus. What they are doing in reality is alienating the swing voters that sent them to Washington.
Consider that Donald Trump was sent to the White House to do two things:
- Get immigration under control
- Lower prices
Unfortunately, Trump seems to care about only one of those points, and it is extremely likely that his cure will be worse than the problem for the other.
I’ve pointed out in the past that polling is mixed on the immigration issue. While there is broad agreement that the border needs to be secured, a strong majority also favors a pathway to citizenship (69 percent) but only a plurality (43 percent) supports mass deportations. Guess which policy the Trump Administration ran with?
And I don’t think Americans are going to like the mass deportations when they see them and experience the consequences. Already there are credible reports of immigrants with valid work permits and who are complying with asylum requirements being detained even though they do not have criminal records. And when ICE arrests the noncriminal immigrant mother of five children (who may or may not be US citizens) who is wearing the ankle monitor required by her asylum agreement, who do Trump supporters think the burden of feeding and caring for her minor children will fall to?
There are reports that the Administration has given ICE daily arrest quotas, which will undoubtedly make the problem of targeting law-abiding and legal immigrants worse. Illegals who are violent criminals are more difficult to find than the father who wears his ankle monitor to church. Expect many more stories like this as ICE gathers up the low-hanging fruit to meet its quotas.
Latinos and other immigrants who voted Republican are going to regret their choice as their friends, family, and neighbors fear arrest and deportation even if they aren’t illegal immigrants. It will be interesting to see if Trump’s immigration overreach stems the heretofore rising tide of Hispanic Republicans.
Trump’s war on immigrants (not just the illegal kind as we’ve just discovered) is also at odds with his war on high prices, which seems to have fallen by the wayside. The new president had promised to “immediately bring prices down, starting on Day One,” but prices, including eggs, coffee, and other consumer goods are going up and the issue no longer seems to be on Trump’s radar.
The immigration raids and the looming tariff wars both have an upward pressure on prices. As it turns out, immigrants, both legal and otherwise, produce a lot of our food, and a lot of the rest, such as coffee beans, are imports that are subject to Trump’s trade taxes. Only one state, Hawaii, produces any coffee at all.
Despite the accolades from MAGA, as you might expect, new polling shows that the upward pressure on prices and other radical moves by the new Administration are having a downward effect on Trump’s popularity. Reuters/Ipsos found that the share of Americans who approve of Trump is already dropping while those who disapprove has risen even more sharply.
There are more looming problems for Republicans as well. The Trump Administration’s on-again-off-again freeze of federal money that briefly impacted Medicaid funding won’t be popular. One of the quickest ways to become a minority is to threaten programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security that even Republicans don’t see as entitlements.
A federal judge slapped down the spending freeze as a Reagan appointee did to Trump’s Executive Order on birthright citizenship. Presidents cannot overrule Congress and refuse to spend money appropriated by Congress just as they cannot unilaterally rewrite or reinterpret the Constitution. Trump should know better since his first impeachment dealt with unlawfully withholding appropriated funds.
It’s early, but the 2026 midterms are already shaping up to be a Republican wipeout. Nevertheless, history has shown that Democrats cannot simply rely on voters to reject bad Republican candidates.
Democrats need to proactively recruit and nominate good candidates. And by good candidates, I mean people that moderate and independent swing voters will think are good candidates. I mean people who won’t make the Paragraph Three mistake that Trump is making now and that the Biden Adminstration made back in 2021.
Americans want a sane, competent, centrist government and they aren’t getting it from either party. That’s why the country keeps veering from progressive left to bat-poop-crazy right every few years. Voters shouldn’t have to choose between rounding up everyone who looks foreign or sex changes for toddlers.
It is especially important for Democrats to find moderates to run in red states. For instance, Georgia is a state with a very important Senate race in 2026. It is also a winnable state for Democrats.
BUT (and this is a big “but”) Democrats don’t have a prayer if they nominate a hard-left progressive who talks about banning assault rifles and transgender rights. Democrats should figure out that you have to tailor the message to your audience (as Republicans did in attacking Biden-Harris’s support of Israel in Arab and Muslim communities) because a red-state electorate is not a good audience for a staunch progressive. That’s especially true if Brian Kemp, Georgia’s popular governor, decides to challenge incumbent Senator Jon Ossof.
Georgia, like many states and districts, is closely divided but the last two or three percent of the vote is a difficult stretch for Democrats. As the saying goes, close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and atom bombs.
Many of us have pointed out that the Republican Party has moved to the left on many issues, but that leaves an opening for Democrats if they are also willing to change to reach out to moderate voters turned off by their hardline stances on issues like guns and abortion. A one-size-fits-all party is going to forfeit a lot of middle-of-the-road red-state voters to Republicans.
Bill Clinton famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” That was the key to Trump’s victory, but he has already forgotten it. He and Republicans will pay the price in upcoming elections.
Democrats can stay the course and they might well win in 2026 and 2028, but they stand a better chance of a long-term majority if they can shunt aside their radical fringe and win over moderate swing voters in the political middle.
America only has room for one crazy party and Republicans have seized that mantle from the loony left. Democrats can’t out-crazy MAGA so a better strategy is to be the sane, compassionate adults in the room.
Trump told everyone what he was going to do when he got to the WH. Project 2025 was reported on but the too cool for school types and self-appointed very serious people decided to hand wave it way. He is doing everything he said he would including the Executive Order blitzkreig.
Will he pay a price? Maybe. A bunch of stuff appears to be blowing up in his face but this is still a constitutional crisis that should be taken seriously and literally and there is a good chance he will tell the courts to stuff it and proceed as he is doing and then what do we do?Report
there is a good chance he will tell the courts to stuff it and proceed as he is doing
More than just “good”; more like “excellent” or “every”, and so far we ain’t done jack when he does.Report
Who is we in this circumstance?
Who is we? Democrats are a minority party in Congress and lack the mechanism to be anything but a giant wall of no perhaps and the party is deeply split on whether that is good right now.
Normie Democrats I know are stating “the people voted for this” in terms of depressed dismay to FAFO detachment. Other groups and states are using the lawful methods available to them which is litigation, raising awareness through the press, etc.
There will be protests eventually. JVL predicts these will be bloody but if you are advocating for storming the Bastille, say so.Report
By “we” I mean “America”. He’s skated on every GD thing ever. We – the American public – have failed to take meaningful action against him, time and again. Impeachments that go nowhere. Felony convictions with no penalties. On the ballot, despite insurrection and attempting to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – SURELY a dealbreaker in a democracy, right? – and now back in the driver’s seat.
When he just fired all those IGs, he was breaking a law that was put in place after the LAST time he fired IGs (the requirement that notice to Congress include a “substantive rationale” was added by the Securing Inspector General Independence Act of 2022) – that is, there was a law specifically amended due to his prior actions, and he just did that sh*t ANYWAY.
Am I advocating for storming the Bastille?
Ask me again tomorrow.Report
Hey, if we have to meet out on the tennis court, hopefully there’s enough space there for everyone with a complaint to gather up and talk it through.Report
I’m excited to see talk like this, but we do have a big problem: a whole bunch of our Third Estate is on the side of the First Estate. Hell, Trump’s whole thing is getting the Third Estate on his side as a bona fide member of the First Estate.
There is a route to reigniting the revolutionary potential of the Third Estate, though I’m afraid a Democratic Party led by and subservient to the First Estate won’t be much help.Report
This might be the most erudite comment thread ever posted on this site.Report
Glad I went with this instead of my original comment, “You say you want a Revolution? Well, you know…”Report
We sure are.Report
*horseshoes, hand grenades, and hydrogen bombs
gotsta get that alliteration in, if you want to use that ol’ chestnutReport
This seems to be built on the mistaken belief Trump cares at all about the long term health of his party and not using his current power to pay his allies back by letting them run wild while attempting to do the things that Trump thinks will put him in the history books as “Great.” Like annexations and replacing income taxes with tariffs.Report
Consider that Donald Trump was sent to the White House to do two things:
1. Get immigration under control
2. Lower prices
I think 1. could be more accurately re-phrased in quite a few different ways of varying levels of cynicism. For instance, I don’t think there’s going to be a single Norwegian expat in danger of involuntary repatriation unless they commit a violent crime. But let’s take that as written.
Today, Trump announced that he will expand the migrant detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to have a capacity of 30,000 detainees. We should note that there is already such a facility there and it is separate from the now-infamous very high security facility that has been used to hold prisoners captured in the war on terror. But this will still obviously require a LOT of money and staffing and maintenance, something that can’t be done by executive order. I predict that this will sound pretty good to a lot of Republicans, raise loud alarm bells to those old enough to remember the phrase “concentration camp,” and no one is going to stop to consider the likely multi-billion dollar cost because Republicans have proven quite willing to write checks on the public debt for stuff that they like.
On point #2, I think the salient commodity we kept talking about during the election campaign was eggs? Here’s what’s been happening with the price of eggs. “Oh, that’s the bird flu!” Republicans will say. And yes, it sure is. And it was back when Biden was President, and y’all tried to blame the Vice President for it, so turnabout is fair play. Eggs have never been more expensive in American history than they are today, in either objective or inflation-adjusted dollars.Report
Oh, don’t worry, all the Very Serious people here think this couldn’t possibly be fascism.
Incidentally, our deportation policy was already implemented by a very fascistic agency, ICE, and honestly was pretty horrific. There’s a lot of bogus both-siding in politics, but the _amount_ of deportations really is both-sides, as is just how horrific ICE actually behaves.
And as pointed out, Trump is not noticeably doing more than that. Deportations are not really up.
So why would we to turn military bases into detention centers? Or, to ask an even better question, why would be detaining ‘the worst of the worst’ there, as Trump put it?
Why are we detaining anyone we’re deporting _at all_? The only reason we detain anyone is that we need to first put them in front of a immigration judge…why does it matter how ‘bad’ they are if we’re just deporting them anyway, and are we going to be operating immigration courts down there in Cuba?
That seems like a hell of a lot of work, flying people to Cuba, just to…have a immigration hearing and deport them. Doesn’t it? Does this even slightly make sense?
Also, again, we normally deport people on commercial flights. Rather obviously, we cannot put people on commercial flights in Cuba. Or into Cuba, for that matter!
None of these makes sense, and the entire purpose of this is fir Trump to _punish_ people here illegal. It isn’t going to be ‘detaining people until a hearing’, it’s just going to be detaining people, period, for years, while pretending to gearing up for a hearing that never comes. It’s the same reason he’s chaining people to seats on military planes.
And, just like the military planes, he will triumphantly explaining to the public that _that_ is what we do to foreign lawbreakers. A boot stamping on a face, etc.
Luckily, we all know this Can’t Be Fascism. Otherwise, it would look a _lot_ like it.Report
Burt, you at least have the capacity to be a pretty judicious guy, so you should be able to appreciate that it looks ridiculous to be all “Nothing to see here move along,” through years of Demo Biden Administration inflation, but one week in to Prez Donald Trump II you’re like, “What about the price of eggs?” (Actually, fck that about how it looks ridiculous, it _is_ ridiculous. Come on, be a person who you would want to take seriously if you were just meeting them for the first time.)
Obviously, if Trump was inaugurated a week ago and the price of eggs is too high, it’s Biden’s fault. Vote Republican.Report
First, when does responsibility for something shift from Biden to Trump? Is there some benchmark event that needs to occur? (Other than “the price of eggs falls below X.”) Some objective amount of time? That’s a serious question even if I admit that, yes, of course, making a fuss over the price of eggs is not a particularly serious indicator of Trump’s performance.
Second, it’s a fact that Trump said to voters, “When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on Day One,” and the opposite has happened. Now, of course, you and I, being serious and judicious people, knew that was ridiculous bullshit all along. But I think you’ll agree with me that there are a lot of people who are not so sophisticated as you or I, less able to separate the sober promises from the bullshit.
Or, it seems, to realize that Governor Walz was entirely correct to label Trump a “bullshit artist,” because experience is proving out that one after another, the promises Trump made were either not serious, beyond his ability to deliver, or (as we are likely to soon discover with just-announced-today tariffs on our two largest trading partners) counterproductive for their intended purposes.
America has chosen poorly and that has been graphically demonstrated daily for the past ten days and I expect will be so for the next 1,541. So hopefully in the future our voters will disregard your advice, and vote Democratic.Report
Well, that’s at least a little bit subjective. It has to do with when one Administration’s personnel, or policies, or existence can reasonably be thought to affect the economic conditions in the America outside the narrow political bubble. Of course, in this case, the whole question is irrelevant, since whatever the answer should be, President Trump is not responsible for the price of eggs one week into his term, as you yourself admit.
Actually I disagree with that quite a bit, and it’s a very important point. In reality, the American people are getting quite good at separating Trump’s mindless bluster and hyperbole from his actual intentions and expectations and accountability. In fact, it’s a big part of why he’s getting an actual honeymoon for this term, and why the lib/Demo opposition to him is so incoherent and lacking in intensity.
This is a very significant mistake on your part imo, and the premise of some very bad things. Ie, the misbelief that because Trump is a successful demagogue, I have to demagogue harder in order to win. First of all, you’ve already lost, you’re not writing a campaign ad or replying to Sean Hannity on cable news. Now is the time to play it straight.
More important than that, the whole idea of what you’re supposed to do win is wrong from the get go, because you’re _supposed_ to lose. Not just in the sense that you should lose because you disagree with me, though obviously I do believe that.
But well beyond that, I probably haven’t read every word you’ve written over the last few years, but I’ve read enough. And at no time ever have you ever attempted to offer any accountability for the representations you and the people you are politically associated with have made to the American people. If this is unfair, I’d certainly listen to any argument to the contrary but I think we both know that it’s not. No, what you write is always about what can I say to manipulate the American people into doing what I want politically, just like what you wrote in the comment above that I criticized you for in the first place.
In this world it shouldn’t surprise anybody that the American people are just tuning you out, especially as to your representations of the supposed dangers of Donald Trump being President. This turn of events is a you problem, not a they problem or a Trump problem.
No, America has chosen well, and I don’t think anybody misses any of the Democrat officeholders or lib pundits who got turfed out as a consequence of the election. Fwiw, I personally am much more enthusiastic now, about the prospects of a second Trump term, than I was in November when I voted for him.
If you are less enthusiastic than I am (and of course you are), the first place to change things is to offer some accountability for the misrepresentations you’ve made to the American people over the past x or whatever years and a credible explanation as to how you will make amends and/or do different things in the future.
Or I dunno, keep on keepin’ on with the demagoguery. That seems to be working well for you.Report
Well, that’s at least a little bit subjective. It has to do with when one Administration’s personnel, or policies, or existence can reasonably be thought to affect the economic conditions in the America outside the narrow political bubble. Of course, in this case, the whole question is irrelevant, since whatever the answer should be, President Trump is not responsible for the price of eggs one week into his term, as you yourself admit.
Actually I disagree with that quite a bit, and it’s a very important point. In reality, the American people are getting quite good at separating Trump’s mindless bluster and hyperbole from his actual intentions and expectations and accountability. In fact, it’s a big part of why he’s getting an actual honeymoon for this term, and why the lib/Demo opposition to him is so incoherent and lacking in intensity.
This is a very significant mistake on your part imo, and the premise of some very bad things. Ie, the misbelief that because Trump is a successful demagogue, I have to demagogue harder in order to win. First of all, you’ve already lost, you’re not writing a campaign ad or replying to Sean Hannity on cable news. Now is the time to play it straight.
More important than that, the whole idea of what you’re supposed to do win is wrong from the get go, because you’re _supposed_ to lose. Not just in the sense that you should lose because you disagree with me, though obviously I do believe that.
But well beyond that, I probably haven’t read every word you’ve written over the last few years, but I’ve read enough. And at no time ever have you ever attempted to offer any accountability for the representations you and the people you are politically associated with have made to the American people. If this is unfair, I’d certainly listen to any argument to the contrary but I think we both know that it’s not. No, what you write is always about what can I say to manipulate the American people into doing what I want politically, just like what you wrote in the comment above that I criticized you for in the first place.
In this world it shouldn’t surprise anybody that the American people are just tuning you out, especially as to your representations of the supposed dangers of Donald Trump being President. This turn of events is a you problem, not a they problem or a Trump problem.
No, America has chosen well, and I don’t think anybody misses any of the Democrat officeholders or lib pundits who got turfed out as a consequence of the election. Fwiw, I personally am much more enthusiastic now, about the prospects of a second Trump term, than I was in November when I voted for him.
If you are less enthusiastic than I am (and of course you are), the first place to change things is to offer some accountability for the misrepresentations you’ve made to the American people over the past x or whatever years and a credible explanation as to how you will make amends and/or do different things in the future.
Or I dunno, keep on keepin’ on with the demagoguery. That seems to be working well for you.Report
31% if voters is not “the American people.” Not statistically anyway. It’s is both presumptuous and naive to assert that such a minority speaks for the American people — though the 36% who don’t bother to vote are equally at fault for both our current predicament and your misread of the country.Report
I predict any actual attempt at mass deportation to go somewhere between not great and totally disastrous but I think people who keep repeating ‘people won’t like it when they see it’ don’t have a clue. No one wants to see someone they care about on the wrong side of the law but too many pundits and journalists grossly over estimate the amount of sympathy the average person will have for individuals who at the end of the day broke the rules. I also don’t think prices are closely connected with (illegal) immigration in the minds of the average person, econ101 or not.
Maybe I’ll be proven wrong but I doubt it registers and think single issue polling is hugely misleading on most issues.Report
And Homan is starting out by deporting the absolute most unsympathetic undocumented tourists that he can find. He’s arresting Tren de Aragua members (you may remember them as being a conspiracy theory a few short months ago), people with ties to ISIS, and sex offenders.
The general response to this is not “those people need to be sent back on passenger planes rather than military transports because military transports are too expensive!” but “wait, those guys were just out and about and not arrested?!?”
If you can stomach Reddit, here’s a fun thread on r/Boston about the ICE raids. Don’t read the article. Read the comments. You don’t even have to sort by controversial.Report
Yea, I mean, I’m still basically in alignment with where the Obama admin was but you really have to ask yourself how people like this are being convicted of serious crimes (presumably in American courts?) and being allowed to stay in the country. As long as that can be put on the front page of what Trump is doing I don’t see how he pays a political price for it.Report
Can we be clear here? An actual attempt at genuine mass depuration would require something from Congress otherwise it’d get shut down in courts* before it got started. As in passed the filibuster act of Congress. You’d need serious money to try and mass deport. Trump is most likely going to just loudly deport slightly fewer people than Biden or Obama did and that’ll suffice for his mob. Plus if his tariff nonsense tanks the economy immigration will plunge like a paralyzed falcon organically.
*This presumes that he loses in court on his current stunts as everyone presumes. If the courts actually side with him then we’re in a whole different universe.Report
Trump & Co. are big on show, and getting media compliance for presenting things as a big show. The big ICE raids in Chicago, Newark, and Miami got a lot of publicity. And bigger numbers, but I think a lot less than might have been hoped for:
I predict we’re going to see roughly the same level of enforcement under Trump-47 that we saw under Biden-46, and it’ll probably be about the same level of priority — people who have committed crimes, which was already the #1 way to get ICE’s attention under existing law, before this Laken Riley bill ever even got passed.
But we’re going to see a big show being made of it. Because Trump is all about making a big show of things.Report
Something something bread and circuses something something.Report
Yea all fair points. IIRC Trump 1 didn’t even reach Obama numbers.
I’m just trying to keep things clear eyed. We’ve been hearing for years now that he’s going to self immolate. He may well and if he really goes through with the kinds of tariffs he’s proposed and we get the results one would expect with prices and/or inflation that might do it.
But it’s always worth remembering that he was just as outrageous and terrible last time and it took a once a century global pandemic to bring him down. I’m afraid wishful thinking won’t result in much more than disappointment.Report
“genuine mass depuration would require something from Congress otherwise it’d get shut down in courts* before it got started.”
Where does the Constitution give Congress oversight over cats?Report
More seriously,
Trump has more announced his intent to rule as near an absolute monarch as possible and is basically letting Congress do the bare minimum and Congressional Republicans don’t seem to care and he is pretty much announced his view of the courts will be “how many divisions do they have?”
I suppose the next steps would be whether he openly defies a Supreme Court decision, appoints a nominee that is rejected by Congress (if it happens), or the next time we are about to hit the debt ceilingReport
You missed the *Report