The Joy Of Opening Time Capsules: 2024 Election Edition


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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21 Responses

  1. Greg In Ak says:

    Biden wins by 2-4% nationally and takes the EC. Biden getting +5 nationally would not surprise me. D’s get a solid majority in the House. Senate: i got no idea. I know this is a tough year for D’s but i have no idea about the precise numbers or candidates. Wouldn’t surprise me if R’s piss another senate seat or two down their legs given that is their history. Sinema: she’s gone and on to whatever will make her gobs of money.

    tfg’s vp pick: Who knows? I dont’ have the psionic ability to detect who is the most degradable, bendable and humiliation positive R out there.Report

  2. Jaybird says:


    First thing is that, once again, everything feels weird and off. Like, I have read a handful of reasonable arguments for why Trump won’t be on the ballot in November due to this, or that, or the other thing. I have read a handful of reasonable arguments for why he will be. These arguments all make sense to me.

    So will he? Let’s throw a hail Mary.

    I think he actually might *NOT* be on the ballot. One lawsuit too many and whammo. He’s not the nominee. But it won’t be Haley. I think that they’re going to swing back to DeSantis after whatever happens, happens. Which means that the guy from Florida is going to have to grab somebody from the Midwest to tighten up that part of the ticket. Mike DeWine?

    That’s crazy. It can’t be DeSantis/DeWine. We can’t have the De’s on the ballot. That’s nuts.

    It’s still Biden/Harris.

    Republicans keep the house and widen their hold. Right now it’s 219? Let’s put the marker at 230.

    As for the Senate, the big question is whether the Republicans are at 52 after the election or at 53. I’m going to say that they’re going to be disappointed to only have 52. They won’t get Michigan. They will get Arizona, Ohio, and Montana.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to Jaybird says:

      First, note that I’m terrible at these things.

      Trump will be the candidate. The Supreme Court will weasel the primaries, most likely holding that states can disqualify someone where it’s an absolute matter (the candidate is old enough, or not) but not on matters that are subjective (like, you know, was it an insurrection). The court cases will drag out past the convention, and once he’s the candidate the RNC isn’t crazy enough to try to remove him.

      The Republican VP candidate will be someone from east of the Mississippi River. Trump hates/ignores the western half of the country and won’t pick someone from there.

      Biden/Harris win the national popular vote by 10M+. The EC decision comes down to 100,000 votes in the right places.

      Democrats hold the Senate seats in Arizona and Montana. Sinema drops out and the Democratic margin there is surprisingly wide.

      Abusing edit privileges to add: Lauren Boebert doesn’t make the ballot in Colorado.Report

  3. North says:

    I’m going to go with my heart.
    Trump/Desantis lose to Biden/Harris and it’s not close. Biden keeps GA and AZ but loses Oh.

    The current razor thin house GOP majority becomes a minor Dem house majority, like 5-10 seats.

    The Senate stays 50/50 Dems in control. Sinema goes but is replaced by Gallego- she discovers that her wealthy “friends” have little use for her now that she isn’t a voting Senator and to be a lobbyist you need someone on your old team who’ll answer your calls. She gets a perch at Fox and goes into the “I didn’t leave my party, my party left me” spiel.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to North says:

      Aren’t there Constitutional problems with Trump/DeSantis?Report

      • North in reply to Jaybird says:

        You may be right, an arcane one about the veep and President not being from the same state IIRC.Report

        • CJColucci in reply to North says:

          Nothing prevents them from running such a ticket. The Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates can be from the same state, but the electoral votes of, in this case, Florida, can be applied only to one of them — presumably the Presidential candidate. In a blow-out EC win, the VP candidate could conceivably have enough EC votes to win even without Florida’s. This does not seem likely, and it would make little sense to run a ticket with two candidates from the same big state. As a practical matter, one might get away with two candidates from Wyoming.Report

  4. Marchmaine says:

    Dang, we just took down the Christmas tree and the Nativity sets are still up… is it election season already? Definitely not in the mood yet.

    And for that reason, I’m not really ready for a vibes test on election predictions. But, to play the game:

    Trump will be on the ballot, and at this point it’s pretty clear that campaigning for President, defending against civil, criminal and constitutional indictments *is* both his political and legal (and fundraising) strategy. So running for president pays for potentially ruinous civil judgements against him (in his mind a cost of doing business); but I also expect the monetary damages and NY ‘fraud’ lawsuit not to yield ‘ruinous’ $$ after appeals etc. Whether or not criminal charges can resolved *before* the election? I’m gonna say 40% chance. And, if they are resolved, I’d also ‘predict’ that the sentences will be less than what opponents are imagining… especially for the documents charges (unless they find evidence of espionage… which would then make the odds of wrapping up before election almost nil). BUT, I’d have to say there’s an 80% likelihood he’s convicted (of something) but also an 85% chance the sentencing is suspended pending the election and therefore a slim 4.8% chance he’s in jail running a Eugene Debs reprise. He’ll still be on the ballot.

    Trump’s running mate? Doesn’t matter and I have no idea.

    Biden/Harris with a 10% chance that Biden either dies or suffers a debilitating health event… depending on the timing, he might still be on the ballot (???).

    Prediction: Too soon to predict.

    Hypothesis: Trump’s self-absorption campaign will bigly underperform 2016/2020. Biden wins by a lot.

    Counter-hypothesis: Biden’s decline and weakness has impacted his ability to shape the Dems — progressives actively work to denigrate the good he does, and he’s too weak to marginalize the progressives and create the ‘big tent’ some hoped he’d build in 2020. Therefore, he campaigns on a ‘too-online’ platform and he isn’t seen as a foil to the Dem crazy for independents; this leaves the race shaped by that last worst thing done by either side in the negative-partisan sweepstakes to tilt the balance. Trump eeks out a squeaker, and MattY commits ritual suicide.

    As for everything else, that’ll have to wait until after Easter.Report

  5. Philip H says:

    Biden/Harris +7% nationally, and +200-300K in electorally important states. Win.

    Trump/Stefaniak -7% nationally (obviously) with Trump actively appealing one if not two convictions by election day.

    House +7-10 Democrats.

    Senate remains the same, but with a solid Democratic replacement for Sinema. West Virginia’s flip to an R after Manchin is offset by another D pick elsewhere.

    Come January 6th 2025 there way more political violence as the GOP base realizes they have been had again.Report

  6. John Puccio says:

    Trump wins.
    Biden claims the election was stolen.
    Thousands of Antifa and PussyHats storm the Capitol.
    The OT lefties claim it’s not an insurrection.
    David Thornton writes 3 Trump articles a day for the next 4 years.
    Trump is impeached 7 times, three of them after he drops dead of a heart attack in 2026.
    President Nikki nukes Iran and Syria.Report

  7. Pinky says:

    Biden beats Trump, or Trump beats Biden’s replacement. That’d be Newsom if Biden drops out before June 1, Harris if he drops out afterwards.

    An explanation. I personally think neither Trump nor Biden should be running. But the Republicans don’t have anyone who could tell Trump to step away, and the Democrats have a lot of people to tell that to Biden. If things are going badly for him or in international affairs, they’ll tell Biden, but it’ll be too little too late. I’d put the odds of Biden dropping out at 3:1.

    The Senate, man, neither party is sending their best challengers. The safe bet is that VP Harris or Stefanik is the 51st vote.Report

    • Slade the Leveller in reply to Pinky says:

      For my money, it’d pretty interesting if they both croaked before November. What an election season that would be!Report

      • Pinky in reply to Slade the Leveller says:

        More DeSantis / Newsom debates?Report

      • Make it before October. By October 1, a large percentage of ballots — a substantial majority in the western states — will have been frozen and being printed. This year, in the 13 states of the American West, >90% of all regional ballots cast will be distributed by mail well in advance of election “day”. Here in Colorado, Oct 4 is the day county clerks are required to be in physical possession of the printed ballots. For the ten or so large population counties, that means the ballots have been folded and inserted in properly addressed envelopes. I believe the corresponding date in California is at least a week earlier.Report