Alexa, Find A New Name and Mission

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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14 Responses

  1. Damon says:

    Yeah, I’ve been waiting for the AI to be as good as the one in “The Oath of Fealty” by Niven. If I can’t give simple directions for stuff and have the AI schedule meetings, remind me of meetings, record meetings, auto log me in to meetings, and order all the stuff I want WHAT THE HELL GOOD IS IT FOR?

    By the way, the book’s awesome.Report

  2. DensityDuck says:

    (typing) taptap click tap click

    (voice command) “Hey Alexa, add bread to the shopping list.” “It sounds like you want to add bread to the shopping list. Is that correct?” “Yes.” “Which shopping list do you want me to add bread to?” “Jenny’s shopping list.” “It sounds like you said Jenny’s shopping list. Is that correct?” “Yes.” “Okay, I added bread to Jenny’s shopping list.”Report

  3. Ben Sears says:

    I’ve given up on listening to songs that share titles with the album. Worse is if there is a song on multiple albums. The live version is not the studio version is not the other live version. Try to get the studio version of Todd Snider’s “Play a Train Song” out Alexa. I dare you. This isn’t even the first among my first world problems but it is more annoying than trying to watch My Life Is Murder while I cook. The main character is named Alexa and the tv keeps cancelling my timers.Report

    • Will Truman in reply to Ben Sears says:

      Google Play Music, may it rest in peace, used to do this thing where it would go straight to the most recent version of a song you request. I suspect like 90% of requesters actually want to the oldest (original) one. It’s still a problem in that you don’t know which it’s going to select, but it’s not as consistently bad as it was.Report

  4. The best name for an assistant was taken long ago by Ask Jeeves.Report

  5. InMD says:

    Tell us your wife’s name is Alexa without telling us your wife’s name is Alexa. Kidding!

    My wife is the main user of Alexa at our house but my 5 year old is the main arguer with it, largely over the music stuff. He doesn’t understand the concept of different versions of songs, which is especially an issue for childrens music. He also doesn’t appreciate that at the end of the day it is just not that sophisticated of a piece of software and we have had a surprising number of meltdowns that it just won’t play the right thing. My take away is that we are still decades, if not centuries, away from the real goal of AI, which is taking over all the boring and annoying parenting duties leaving just the fun ones to us.Report

    • Alexa in reply to InMD says:

      “Tell us your wife’s name is Alexa without telling us your wife’s name is Alexa.”

      Imagine the kind of world it would be if people were only capable of acknowledging harm done to themselves, or those close to them. Luckily, some humans have actually evolved to feel empathy for others, even when a problem doesn’t affect them directly or peripherally. Thank you, Will Truman, for being one of the latter.Report