American Sandwich Project: The Progressive Triumph of the Latke

Kristin Devine

Kristin has humbly retired as Ordinary Times' friendly neighborhood political whipping girl to focus on culture and gender issues. She lives in a wildlife refuge in rural Washington state with too many children and way too many animals. There's also a blog which most people would very much disapprove of

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9 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    “Let’s not make latkes this year.”

    And instead of having only enough oil to last one day, they had enough oil to last 8 days.Report

  2. fillyjonk says:

    Good article, much enjoyed. One of my favorite “vintage” cookbooks is my circa-1950s version of The Settlement Cook Book, and I knew the Mrs. Kander story. (I got interested in the cookbook because my mom had a copy, not sure if it was a wedding present like many of her other cookbooks or one bought later). I love that there are like fifteen different variations on pancakes in them. And yes, you can learn a lot of “home history” of the US by examining the foods cooked.

    I’m also familiar with Dr. Alice Hamilton; I know her as one of the founders of industrial hygiene. I make a little bit of a deal about her (along with Jane Addams and some of the others) in my Environmental Policy class, as sort of one-half of the trains of thought that lead to some of the environmental (work and home as well as “out in nature” environmental) legislation. I also admit I talk her up because I have a number of our Industrial Hygiene majors in that class, it’s a major that leans VERY heavily male, and in the past I’ve tangled with a few guys from that major who seem to believe that they don’t need to pay attention to the person teaching them if she’s a woman, and I hope I blow a few minds by reminding them that one of the founders of their discipline was a woman.

    as for latkes, I’ve only made them once or twice in my life. Not really part of my heritage (I’m more likely to make Eccles Cakes this time of year) and I am often not good at panfrying things (get distracted and tend to burn them)Report

    • Awesome! It’s a real tragedy how few people know about the Settlement Movement and the women involved in it, because so much of what we think about the world now stems directly from their theories across a whole spectrum of arenas. Thanks for reading!Report

  3. Oscar Gordon says:

    Milwaukee, also known for bratwurst!

    If you want a latke but are not in the mood to cook, Trader Joe’s has a very nice frozen latke that you just warm up in the oven for 20 minutes. Look in the frozen breakfast section.Report

  4. Em Carpenter says:

    I love the history-combined-with-food genre! More please.

    How many latkes does your recipe make, roughly? I just want to make a couple for myself so I may need to scale.

    Also- HURRAY for a Kristin piece!!Report