The Southern Baptist Convention, Far Past The Age Of Accountability

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has since lived and traveled around the world several times over. Though frequently writing about politics out of a sense of duty and love of country, most of the time he would prefer discussions on history, culture, occasionally nerding on aviation, and his amateur foodie tendencies. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter @four4thefire and his food writing website Yonder and Home. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew's Heard Tell SubStack for free here:

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11 Responses

  1. Pinky says:

    “Whatever it takes” doesn’t mean anything concrete. An organization has to figure out the best means for addressing a problem. The specifics matter. I don’t know the specifics being debated, but as a Catholic I can assure you that some of the more obvious steps will turn out to be fruitless, and some of the best policies haven’t even been mentioned yet.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Pinky says:

      Yeah, prepare for all the current rifts/debates to be cast and re-cast as ‘the reason’ we’re at this point or ‘the thing’ we need to get past this point.

      The one useful takeaway that hit me over time was that none of the factions were blameless, and there was no point in going to the wall for a malefactor who happened to be on your team. Since the issues are largely non-doctrinal, there’s freedom in pursuing procedures that will land on bad actors regardless of faction.

      But, as Pinky said, it’s not simply obvious which are the best procedures and which aren’t a type of ‘grift’ appropriating the language of procedures – either for ‘change’ or ‘status-quo’ or the worst: status quo masquerading as change.Report

  2. Pirates because they always vote R.Report