Fundraising in the USA: Red Verses Blue Turns Consultant Green

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has since lived and traveled around the world several times over. Though frequently writing about politics out of a sense of duty and love of country, most of the time he would prefer discussions on history, culture, occasionally nerding on aviation, and his amateur foodie tendencies. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter @four4thefire and his food writing website Yonder and Home. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew's Heard Tell SubStack for free here:

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10 Responses

  1. Let’s not forget Mike Bloomberg spending hundreds of millions of dollar to win American Samoa. Because I will never get tired of mentioning that Mike Bloomberg spend half a billion dollars to win American Samoa.Report

    • Douglas Hayden in reply to Michael Siegel says:

      I feel like we should be mentioning more how Mike Bloomberg spent a half a billion dollars to carpet bomb everyone who wasn’t Joe Biden out of the Democratic primary.Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to Douglas Hayden says:

        I think this assumes facts not in evidence. My primary vote was for Elizabeth Warren but she was not able to expand beyond her base of people like me. I.e. upper-middle class professionals with graduate degrees and pretensions towards being intellectual bohemians. Joe Biden during the primary made me nervous but Joe Biden during the campaign and his presidency is good, maybe even with a chance of being great/transformative.

        The truth is (and a lot of white liberals and progressives like to pretend otherwise) is that a big part of the Democratic base is African-American women and/or middle-aged women in general. These groups are interested in expanding the welfare state but do not see M4A as a hill to die on. Biden just released one of the most profoundly pro-union actions/remarks of any President with his support for the Amazon union drive in Alabama. Not even FDR or LBJ would have issued a statement that strong.

        The Democratic base is not educated professionals who like to discuss politics on the internet and it never will be. Biden spoke to the Democratic base in ways that other candidates could not counter.Report

      • North in reply to Douglas Hayden says:

        You clearly didn’t follow the Democratic Primary very closely because everyone and their dog was quite certain that the candidate Bloomberg hurt most by simply being in the race was… Joe Biden. Fortunately turned out Bloomie was a terrible candidate but if he hadn’t been it would have been Joe and other moderates who would have suffered from it.Report

      • JS in reply to Douglas Hayden says:

        Why should we mention something so incredibly wrong?

        Bloomberg’s support, such as it was, came almost exclusively from voters whose second choice was Biden. He didn’t help Biden, he handicapped him.

        I do love the “Joe Biden couldn’t have won, he must have stolen it” conspiracy is so powerful that reality is forced to bend against it.Report

    • Oscar Gordon in reply to Michael Siegel says:

      Probably would have gotten more bang for his buck spending $500M fighting poverty and homelessness in American Samoa.Report

    • He could not have done it without the all-important Jimmy MgGill endorsement.Report

  2. Saul Degraw says:

    The McGrath thing is so embarrassing but McConnell is so hated by the Democratic party base that all rational thought goes out the window when he is up for reelection. It is always going to be the year he gets defeated. I donated to Fair Fight during the Georgia run-offs. I cannot say whether my donation helped or not but I think Stacey Abrams is running a legitimate GOTV outfit and not a grift that spends money on baubles like private jets and custom made buses.

    Let’s hear from the Bulwark’s Tim Miller and how he realized conservatism was about owning the libs:

    “By nature of being in or around Washington and drawing people who were passionate about policy—sometimes insane policies, but policies nonetheless—CPAC over-indexed away from the GOP’s core demo: the middle- and working-class exurban Boomer dittoheads who were the beating heart of the party all along.

    And it turns out that those voters didn’t give a hoot about John Barasso’s Obamacare Replacement Plan or Ludwig Von Mises or the Fourth Great Awakening.

    They just wanted their anti-elite grievances validated in the most entertaining (and/or bullying) way possible.”

    As long as we live in an age of high negative partisanship, grifters will prevail and people will donate their money in irrational ways.Report