Monthly Archive: November 2020
The Joy Of Opening Time Capsules: Global Pandemic Edition
This is it. The election is tomorrow. What’s going to happen?
Make your prediction!
The Case For Trump
We’ve all been standing around waiting for someone to give it a try, and if none of the others will, then I guess it’s up to me.
Retail Blues: Losing the Formative Experience of Young Workers
Fewer young people in the workforce means a longer delay in the development of not only the workforce, but the habits of work that make for better people.
Best Meal Ever Week: Three Wonderful Sandwiches
When I think about “the best sandwich I’ve ever had”, my mind always wanders back to that one. That was the best sandwich I’ve ever had.
The Conservaliberaltarian Case For Abidin’ With Biden
I say this not from that tiny liberal flare in my heart, or the libertarian streak down my back-I say it from my conservative mind & spirit