Book Notes: “The Hermit in the Garden” by Gordon Campbell

Rufus F.

Rufus is a likeable curmudgeon. He has a PhD in History, sang for a decade in a punk band, and recently moved to NYC after nearly two decades in Canada. He wrote the book "The Paris Bureau" from Dio Press (2021).

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5 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    I presume he got the title from Tom Stoppard’s excellent play Arcadia which revolves around the mystery of who was the Sidley Park hermit. Sidley Park being the imaginary estate of the play which we see during the Regency and the modern day/1990s.Report

  2. steve says:

    I missed my callingReport

  3. InMD says:

    Wonderful essay. The piece on inwardness reminded me of this piece I think Will linked to when it was published:

    I do think the ubiquity of little devices has done some weird stunting to us as people and as a culture. But maybe that feeling is itself timeless. I mean, I assume there was a hustle bustle of the day people were fleeing, or at least fantasizing about fleeing, for these little places.Report