A Binge Of Cinematic History Chapter 2: The Birth Of Hollywood

Luis A. Mendez

Boricua. Floridian. Theist. Writer. Podcaster. Film Critic. Oscars Predictor. Occasional Psephologist. Member Of The Critics Association Of Central Florida, The International Film Society Critics, And The Puerto Rico Critics Association.

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2 Responses

  1. greginak says:

    This was interesting. Thanks. Looking forward to more.Report

  2. From Wikipedia:

    In Intolerance, Griffith chose to explore the eponymous theme partly in response to criticism of his previous film, The Birth of a Nation (1915), which was criticized by the NAACP and other groups as perpetuating racial stereotypes and glorifying the Ku Klux Klan. It was not, however, an apology, as Griffith felt he had nothing to apologize for; in numerous interviews, Griffith made clear that the film’s title and overriding themes were meant as a response to those who, he felt, had been intolerant of him in condemning The Birth of a Nation.

    Which proves nothing about the film; it’s entirely possible to make a great piece of art even when your motives are petty.Report