For Your Consideration: A Preview Of The 92nd Academy Awards

Luis A. Mendez

Boricua. Floridian. Theist. Writer. Critic. Oscar Predictor. Godzilla Fanboy. Member Of The Critics Association Of Central Florida And The Puerto Rico Critics Association.

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5 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    One of the big criticisms I see of the Oscars (among the dozens of big criticisms I see of it) is that the Academy confuses “Most Acting” with “Best Acting”. So you get stuff like Leo winning for The Revenant. They used this criticism against The Joker and… yeah, I guess I can see that. But much of the abundance of acting was good, in addition to merely being abundant.

    (As for Best Picture, I’m still confused by The Artist winning. What the hell? How narcissistic is that?)Report

  2. I honestly hate years like this because we are so spoiled for choice with great movies, no matter what some really deserving people are going to get the shaft. And then in other years they’re handing out awards where we’re all like “yeah ok whatever”.

    It really makes the whole thing an exercise in futility, and I think that’s one of the main reasons people have tuned out.Report

  3. Rufus F. says:

    I’ve only seen three of them: The Irishman, Once Upon a Time…, and Parasite. Of the three, Parasite was the best constructed story and was just a neat little Hitchcockian thriller. I wasn’t as enamored as the critics were with it’s “satirical” elements, which seemed a little obvious. But it was still the best of the three for my money. It won’t win best picture, though. Let’s be honest- the best foreign language Oscar is for movies like Parasite.Report

    • Rufus F. in reply to Rufus F. says:

      And I have to say that US made many of the same points as Parasite, while being scarier.Report

      • Rufus F. in reply to Rufus F. says:

        I’ve now seen Joker as well, and it’s sorta getting at the same things as Parasite with the class divide stuff and the horror movie elements. I have to give the edge for my vote to Parasite because it’s very original and Joker is a bit of a pastiche- but a very well-made one.Report