Wednesday Writs for May 1st

Em Carpenter

Em was one of those argumentative children who was sarcastically encouraged to become a lawyer, so she did. She is a proud life-long West Virginian, and, paradoxically, a liberal. In addition to writing about society, politics and culture, she enjoys cooking, podcasts, reading, and pretending to be a runner. She will correct your grammar. You can find her on Twitter.

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3 Responses

  1. Kolohe says:

    WW1 – Wait, the Pentagon said they were doing something ‘cheaper and easier’? I thought lying in open court was a serious no-no.

    But really, this argument seems ridiculous even for its day. The military *loves* one size fits all solutions. And notably these days, treating women bureaucratically the same as men can itself sometimes leads to issues, e.g. uniforms & health care.Report

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    WW3: The days I wish I was a fly on the wall. Just imagine how that discussion went at the law office, when they decided to try and extort a sitting judge.Report

  3. PD Shaw says:

    [WW6] I think one of the main lessons from the Smollett fiasco is that if a politician really wants to try to conduct any sort of meaningful sentencing reform, it needs to be approached systematically, not impulsively and certainly not under potential political influence. This thing just seems to keep spiraling into more lawsuits.

    Last week, a judge complained about how the prosecutor’s office was seeking to punish a false police report of a bad check by a 21-year black woman who works for $21 per hour at Home depot:

    “I’d like to know why Ms. Clark is being treated differently than Jussie Smollett,” asked Cook County Judge Marc Martin. “It’s a disorderly conduct case [false] reporting — a lot less egregious than Mr. Smollett’s case. I have a problem with it. Why is she being treated differently?”

    “Well, Ms. Clark is not a movie star, she doesn’t have a high-price lawyer, although, her lawyer is very good,” Martin said at one point during the hearing. “And this smells, big time. I didn’t create this mess, your office created this mess. And your explanation is unsatisfactory to this court. She’s being treated differently.”