Golf: If It Isn’t One Thing It’s Another

Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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4 Responses

  1. Michael Cain says:

    Certainly matches my experience. Bad golfers celebrate their good shots. Good golfers mutter under their breath about their bad shots. Although less “if I’d had some luck” and more “if I’d been able to putt.”Report

  2. Wow I must say I’m guilty of the same. I think we golfers just want to improve a little too much for our own good. I’m beginning to understand that we have to be happy with whatever improvement we have and not shoot for the stars.Report

  3. Anil kumar says:

    Well, I think to enjoy the game.Report

  4. Varun Sharma says:

    Bad golfers celebrate their good shots. Good golfers mutter under their breath about their bad shots.Report