Quartz: Sleep deprivation has become the trendy new cause of the uber-wealthy

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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6 Responses

  1. Road Scholar says:

    Sleep requirements are so individual that telling someone how much sleep they need is pointless. There’s a mean and there’s a fairly wide distribution around that mean.

    Since I started using my CPAP I’m hard pressed to sleep more than about 5 hours at a time and I wake up totally ready to go. I think the longest I’ve ever logged with the thing is about 7 hours. But I’m legally required to take 10 hour rest breaks every day and some of that is just wasted time as far as safety is concerned. On the other hand I know people that really need at least 8 hours to function properly.Report

    • Morat20 in reply to Road Scholar says:

      I’ll say that sleep deprivation is undoubtedly a fairly widespread issue, but my personal experience has been it’s biological, not work or society driven.

      I know half a dozen people with CPAP’s who claim they’re miracle devices. One of which was ‘sleeping’ 12 hours a night, and still falling asleep while standing up during the day.

      Because she wasn’t sleeping very well. Two or three hours to fall asleep, waking up hundreds of times an hour due to interrupted breathing, etc.

      Now? She conks out the second the CPAP is turned on, and does fine on 5 hours sleep and rarely sleeps more than 7.

      Dropped her blood pressure and reduced her migraines too.

      Turns out sleep is kind of important to your overall health.

      By and large, I’d just recommend that if you feel like you’re not getting enough sleep even when you slept 8 or 9 hours, go get a sleep study.Report

      • Road Scholar in reply to Morat20 says:

        Yep. That was my experience as well. I’d fall asleep almost instantly but I’d wake up feeling like crap and usually with a headache. The longer I “slept” the worse I felt in the morning. And I’d feel tired all day and would need to take a nap, even though that didn’t really help a lot either.

        It’s like night and day, truly life-changing. The problem I have now is that I have to have my machine set so high (19 out of a possible 20) that getting the mask to seal is tricky. I have to have the straps pretty tight or I get whistling and what amounts to farting noises. And the straps are adjusted with velcro and that wears out. So, a bit of a hassle but worth it. Also, legally required to keep my medical qual.Report

        • Morat20 in reply to Road Scholar says:

          You might need a new device. They tried out a number of masks on my wife to get the one she has. (And our insurance happily sends out new masks, hoses, and straps on a schedule. Which I pay for, of course. Stupid HDHP).Report

  2. Saul Degraw says:

    As a society, we seem to obsess over what I call the “brass-ring” jobs. These are the jobs that pay people six figure salaries right out of undergrad and grad school. They are largely few and far between.

    I suppose this is no surprise in the age of large student debt but the thing about these jobs is that they tend to own you. There is no such thing as free time when you work for big consulting companies like Bain or McKinsey, Investment banks like Goldman, or the BigLaw firms. People make fun of these people for living in really expensive areas instead of commuting but that short commute means all the more when you are constantly at the office until 10 PM or Midnight and need to be back at 8 AM or 9 AM, the next morning.

    Most people can’t handle these jobs for more than a few years. Investment Banking is theoretically easier than Consulting or BigLaw from what I’ve heard in that you are expected to show up at 9 AM but the junior analysts are not given any real work until 3 PM or 4 PM and then they do their 8 or 9 hours. This is just second-hand stories though.

    The thing about the Anglo-world or maybe specifically Ameircans, is that we seemingly buy that long hours for the sake of long hours are good. Or this is a personal issue and not a policy issue. The rest of the developed world seems willing to say that this is a policy issue and a lot of Americans make fun of them for said decision to make a nights sleep a policy issue.Report

  3. I have to admit, I can’t think of a better way to get to sleep than reading a book by Arianna Huffington.Report