The end of the American Republic | Hit Coffee

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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7 Responses

  1. Damon says:

    “it’s one step of a process that depends on decisions we have already made and on decisions we will make in the future.”

    Indeed. There’s usually time to stop before running over the cliff. The key is recognizing you’re approaching a cliff. Regardless, though, I am not optimistic.Report

  2. Michael Cain asked a good question at Hitcoffee about what I mean by “American Republic.” I gave him an answer, but in retrospect, I’m wondering if I’m off-base and making an idol of this thing I call the “American Republic.”

    Maybe “it” isn’t worth preserving so much as are peace, prosperity and securing others’ rights. Of course, we’ll haggle endlessly over what those things mean and over when, by what means, and for whom we’ll have obtained them.Report

    • …and securing others’ rights.

      Of course, the interesting questions all involve scope, scale, and willingness-to-pay (which rights, for how many people, and at what cost). I’m admittedly out on the lunatic fringe, but think it’s reasonable to consider the possibility that the day will come — perhaps sooner than anyone expects — when the urban corridors of the Northeast and Pacific Coast decide that they aren’t willing to pay the bill to secure the same set of rights for poor rural Mississippians that they grant to their own residents.Report

  3. In whatever shape England emerges from the war it will be deeply tinged with the characteristics that I have spoken of earlier. The intellectuals who hope to see it Russianized or Germanized will be disappointed. The gentleness, the hypocrisy, the thoughtlessness, the reverence for law and the hatred of uniforms will remain, along with the suet puddings and the misty skies. It needs some very great disaster, such as prolonged subjugation by a foreign enemy, to destroy a national culture. The Stock Exchange will be pulled down, the horse plough will give way to the tractor, the country houses will be turned into children’s holiday camps, the Eton and Harrow match will be forgotten, but England will still be England, an everlasting animal stretching into the future and the past, and, like all living things, having the power to change out of recognition and yet remain the same.

    George Orwell, England Your EnglandReport