“Green Room” Movie Review

Garrett Stiger

Garrett is an entertainment professional living in the Los Angeles area.

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11 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    The glasses on Stewart make a big difference to his appearance: at my very first glance I had to wonder if it was Patrick Stewart or Ben Kinglsey (who, course, has already had his turn being a Really Really Scary English Criminal.Report

  2. Glyph says:

    I want to see this.Report

    • Garrett Stiger in reply to Glyph says:

      It comes highly recommended.

      Thanks for reading!Report

    • Glyph in reply to Glyph says:

      I saw this.Report

      • Garrett Stiger in reply to Glyph says:

        What did you think?Report

        • Glyph in reply to Garrett Stiger says:

          I dug it. My wife wasn’t as keen; though she appreciates the craft, she doesn’t care for what is, in essence, a horror story (or I suppose a modern Straw Dogs or Assault on Precinct 13).

          But it’s a nastily-efficient little piece of work – I liked the fact that it touched, a little bit, on various factions or “levels” within the punk scene. Our punk-band protagonists are kids, probably just out of high school (one was obviously on the wrestling team) playacting at being “hardscrabble”; and so of course completely out of their depth once they reach the neo-nazi compound. The preceding sentence may seem like I am dissing the protagonists, but I’m not – I knew lots of kids just like that, and good on them that they are fundamentally too innocent and naive to quickly, fully appreciate the depth of the sh*t they are actually in .

          There’s cousin Tad, who got them the gig and whom the Ain’t Rights see as “real” – but he’s also seemingly a nice guy, and trying to get his cousin Daniel out of the neo-nazi group (or at least planning to serve as part of Daniel’s exit strategy); and even quiet club manager Gabe eventually seemingly decides he’s had enough of this scene and wants out.

          There’s an area near here that had a significant skinhead problem in the late 80’s, and when I saw Melvins a couple years ago, they told a story about their first-ever show here, and unknowingly getting on a bill with a bunch of skinhead bands and staying a sleepless terrified night at a skinhead house (complete with a burned cross in the front yard), watching sketchy racist yahoos give each other misspelled tattoos.

          It was basically a much less violent version of this story and played mostly for laughs; but having spent a little time on the outer fringes of some of these scenes, I thought the movie felt pretty authentic in the way it depicts them, and to the way something that initially seemed like good fun can quickly and unexpectedly slide into something horrific.Report

          • trizzlor in reply to Glyph says:

            >>and to the way something that initially seemed like good fun can quickly and unexpectedly slide into something horrific

            I’m looking forward to seeing this based on Garrett’s review so I didn’t read your spoilers, but I this reminds me a lot of what I liked about Blue Ruin. There, something that is typically depicted as righteous and satisfying – getting revenge on the backwoods rednecks that killed your father – quickly and unexpectedly slides into a total mess of senseless violence.Report

          • Garrett Stiger in reply to Glyph says:

            Great insights! The film does a good job of imbuing its characters — good and bad — with real humanity. Thanks for reading!Report