No, Wait, Short Conversations Really Can Reduce Prejudice – The Atlantic

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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4 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    I’m dubious, first because the response rate to follow-ups was freakishly high, and second, because they threw everything at them (methodological speaking), so that it’s impossible to tell what, if anything, actually changed opinions.Report

    • aaron david in reply to Chris says:

      My first thought was that because this happened after so much in the way of change regarding similar issues, people were like “whatever, its all the same to me.”Report

    • Kim in reply to Chris says:

      *shrugs* There’s definitely a sort of conservative voter that is “really unsettled” by folks that aren’t like them. If given half a chance, they come up with the worst to think about people they’ve never met.

      And then they meet the folks, and they say, “gee, they’re just like us!”

      (I am actually speaking of a particular WASPy town in PA being worried to bits about black people moving in — my relatives there thought the worrying was complete silliness — which it totally was).

      Transgender folks make this pretty easy — because they REALLY WANT to fit into boxes that people have already made. Now, they might not fit as well as some of us, but… they’re trying.

      This feels a lot different to these folks, I suspect, than the woman who wears hijab all the time and won’t talk with men.Report

    • trizzlor in reply to Chris says:

      They claim the response rate is crazy high because of the pre-screening survey they used, and that this is one of the important results of the work. It’s not clear how this biases the final sample but that probably shouldn’t matter to GOTV strategists.Report