Can the Boys Stop Being Boys?: The Paradox between Rebellion and Inclusion
Can Craft Beer Keep the Non-Conformist/Rebel Image and be inclusive? Post contains some NSFW links and prose.
Can Craft Beer Keep the Non-Conformist/Rebel Image and be inclusive? Post contains some NSFW links and prose.
An examination of what the Greek situation can tell us about the importance of trust, and its absence.
Jon Rowe examines how David Barton misleads while he attacks better credentialed scholars.
Vague thoughts on reading Holy texts in the original, on prayer, and how that shapes cultures.
Wisconsin Legislators try to gut the state’s open-record laws just as Walker’s about to announce his POTUS campaign.
Looking in vain for ChinesePod’s pedagogical philosophy.
Jon Rowe spots another example of the notorious “unconfirmed quotations” that Christian Nationalists often recite.