

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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59 Responses

  1. Maribou says:

    See it with a friend at an early showing and schedule a meal of some sort for afterwards because you two will really want to argue about the movie after you see it. Seriously.

    FWIW I think it’s in that awkward window between “in theatres” and “on DVD” where the only way to see it is on an airplane. But the DVD comes out July 15th! (I’m 256th in the queue at the public library…)

    I was going to post an actual OG link relating to what you said but then I realized posting the link would be a spoiler.


    I watched Season 2 of Nashville and Season 3 of Orange Is the New Black and the pilot of Grace and Frankie and a couple episodes of How I Met Your Mother.

    I read a whole bunch of stuff as usual. Most notably the funny and moving Boy in the Black Suit, by Jason Reynolds, and the HILARIOUS and fierce and unsparing (but optimistic) El Deafo, by Cece Bell. (I read grown-up books this week too, they just weren’t as astonishingly good.)

    My podcast roster has grown – I’m now subscribed to radiolab, this american life (both of which were inevitable), rocket talk, reading the end, and invisibilia, in addition to the ones I was already listening to. plus I’ve been chugging my way through all the old episodes of the lapham’s quarterly podcast (sadly defunct) which I had stockpiled years ago.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Maribou says:

      Yes, I saw that actual OG link as well.

      And, yes, I decided against linking it as it was a spoiler… but I can rot13 it.


  2. Saul Degraw says:

    I finally finished Peter Watson’s massive History of Ideas (1000 plus pages in my edition). I am reading The Post-Office Girl by Stefan Zweig right now and it is a brisk 245 pages.

    I am going to see The Marriage of Figaro today at SF Opera.Report

  3. Zac says:

    I’ve seen this movie three times now, and it may be tied for my favorite sci-fi movie of all time (with Blade Runner, of course): it’s that good.

    Qvq nalobql ryfr trg n ovg bs n Whenffvp Cnex ivor sebz vg? Yvxr, gur svefg gjb zvahgrf bs gung zbivr ner onfvpnyyl gur svefg gjragl zvahgrf bs Whenffvp Cnex, bayl jnl gvtugre.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Zac says:

      V qvqa’g trg gung (gubhtu V pna frr vg abj).

      Zl gnxr ba vg vf gung gurl jrer rfgnoyvfuvat gjb guvatf, bar sbe qhevat gur zbivr, bar sbe qhevat gur nethzrag nsgre gur zbivr:

      1) Ubyl Penc, guvf thl vf ernyyl, ernyyl, ernyyl sernxva’ evpu
      2) Ubyl Penc, gur cebtenzzre qhqr vf fb irel gbgnyyl fperjrq rira vs ur znantrf gb yrnir gur ebbzReport

    • Burt Likko in reply to Zac says:

      Hardly a surprise that a movie like Ex Machina would deal with issues of that nature in a tighter, more intelligent fashion than a big-budget Hollywood popcorn flick.

      One thing occurred to me late on in the movie was “Ubyl penc ur qvqa’g cebtenz va Nfvzbi’f ynjf naq gung’f tbaan ghea bhg gb or n zvfgnxr” naq nobhg gjb zvahgrf yngre V jnf cebira evtug.

      Which is what it seemed to me that the movie ultimately was about: jurer qb bhe zbenyf naq rguvpf pbzr sebz? Ava a) qvqa’g frrz gb unir nal urefrys, nygubhtu fur haqrefgbbq gurz cresrpgyl jryy, or b) fur inyhrq ure bja “yvsr” zber uvtuyl guna fur qvq nalbar ryfr’f, va juvpu pnfr jnf fur n fbpvbcngu be fbzrguvat ryfr ragveryl, or c) fur ernyvmrq gung gur fbpvnyvmngvba gung fgbcf uhznaf sebz unezvat rnpu bgure jnf nyy ohyyfuvg gung jr gryy bhefryirf naq fur phg guebhtu vg. Or some combination thereof.

      And jul qvq Xlbxb vqragvsl jvgu Nin fb dhvpxyl? Gurl qvqa’g frrz gb unir nal novyvgl gb pbzzhavpngr qverpgyl naq dhvpxyl va na ryrpgebavp sbezng; gurl frrz gb unir arrqrq gb vagresnpr jvgu bar nabgure gur fnzr jnl nf gurl qvq jvgu gur uhznaf.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Burt Likko says:

        V qba’g guvax gung fur vqragvsvrq jvgu Nin. V guvax gung fur whfg qvq jnf fur jnf gbyq.Report

      • KatherineMW in reply to Burt Likko says:

        Jul qvq Xlbxb vqragvsl jvgu Nin fb dhvpxyl? Gb nyy nccrnenaprf fur jnf orvat hfrq ol gur cebtenzzre nf uvf freinag naq frk gbl, fvzvyne gb nyy gur ebobg zbqryf orsber ure. Gur cebtenzzre perngrq n ohapu bs nggenpgvir zrpunavpny jbzra, hfrq gurz, naq qrfgeblrq gurz; gung’f jung V gbbx sebz gur Oyhrorneq’f punzore fprar jurer Pnyro qvfpbiref nyy gur cevbe ebobgf. Gur cebtenzzre’f gerngzrag bs Xlbxb jbhyq frrz gb or rabhtu gb pnhfr ure gb ghea ba uvz – nffhzvat ure fragvzragf jrer nalguvat fvzvyne gb uhzna – cnegvphyneyl bapr fur erpbtavmrq gung eroryyvba jnf cbffvoyr naq gung fur unq na nyyl.

        V qba’g frr Nin nf n fbpvbcngu, be nf cnegvphyneyl vauhzna va ure npgvbaf, gubhtu ure nonaqbazrag bs Pnyro jnf pregnvayl pbyq. Ure nggnpx ba Anguna jnf frys-qrsrapr (naq dhvgr qrfreirq); ure gerngzrag bs Pnyro jnf frys-cerfreingvba gb cerirag gur punapr gung ur jbhyq erirny ure nf na NV, yrnqvat gb ure pncgher, rkcrevzragngvba, qrnpgvingvba, rgp. Xvyyvat va frys-qrsrapr vf n snveyl pbzzba uhzna genvg, naq vg’f rnfl gb frr n aba-fbpvbcnguvp uhzna jub jnf vzcevfbarq naq va qnatre bs qrngu npgvat gur jnl Nin qvq.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to KatherineMW says:

          Zl gubhtug ba “Oyhrorneq’f Punzore” jnf abg gung gurl jrer arprffnevyl cevbe ebobgf ohg, nurz, fvatyr-checbfr ebobgf jub jrer ba gur furys orgjrra hfrf.Report

          • KatherineMW in reply to Jaybird says:

            Also possible. Gur znva guvat, gb zr, jnf gung guvf jnf n thl jub unq qrirybcrq trahvar NV naq jnf (nzbat bgure guvatf) hfvat vg gb perngr frk fynirf, naq jnf neebtnag rabhtu gb guvax gung jbhyqa’g unir ercrephffvbaf (rira juvyr erpbtavmvat gung bgure crbcyr, v.r. Pnyro, pbhyq or znavchyngrq ol gurve frkhnyvgl).Report

  4. Glyph says:

    I celebrated Father’s Day as it should be celebrated – with maximum vehicular carnage and mayhem, by taking my dad to see Fury Road. Third time in theaters, that is a fishin’ movie.

    I was weirdly saddened by the end of Phineas & Ferb. I haven’t watched every episode or anything, it was just one of the few children’s shows that is very enjoyable even for adults – tight plotting, great songs, joke-packed, and one of the all-time great inept villains in Dr. Doofenschmirtz. It’s not just that his schemes (and endless -inators) are inept, but more than being inept at the *actions* of villainy, he’s just ill-suited to *being* a villain; like he’s only one, because his backstory makes him think he SHOULD be. He’s really kind of a nice guy.Report

    • Glyph in reply to Glyph says:

      Also, I finished up Silicon Valley season two. I think it was far funnier and even more gleefully profane than season one.Report

      • aaron david in reply to Glyph says:

        Did you see season 2 of Broad city?Report

      • CK MacLeod in reply to Glyph says:

        @glyph Hmmm… both seasons pretty darn terrific, so I wouldn’t say S2 was “far” funnier. S1 had some great moments that I’m not sure S2 could surpass: Most memorable for me were Jared driverless-car’d out to the floating city, and the conceptualization finale that led to Hendricks’ “middle out” compression.Report

        • Glyph in reply to CK MacLeod says:

          Season two maybe didn’t have the “big” setpieces of season one, but I thought the dialogue and character interaction was better, and packed more laughs into every episode. I’m still not a fan of Middleditch (though others seem to really like him), but everyone else has been on fire.

          There also was an episode where they explicitly called out Dinesh’s “hybrid” Indian-Pakistani name (though they did not actually *explain* it) and I think in that same episode, the Chinese intern in the house sounded like he mispronounced Bachmann’s first name as “Eric”.

          I like to think the show’s writers must have read my speculative post here, about the character names.Report

  5. aaron david says:

    Nice and quiet fathers day. I am reading the great Moby Dick, and for a novel from the 1850’s is surprisingly modern. Not as modern in its language as say Hemingway, but is miles past Hawthorne or what I have read of Proust. I am glad I waited until now to read it, as I don’t think I would really gotten the most out of it at a younger age.Report

  6. Kim says:

    So, Eliza is from Eliza Doolittle. But… I think I’m missing the stage between that and the Eliza program.
    It’s supposed to have something to do with gay jargon of the time.

    Anyone got this?Report

  7. Burt Likko says:

    Had Father’s Day with my father! We applied fire to meat and I broke carb-fast to share a beer with him.Report

  8. Chris says:

    Well, yesterday was Sartre’s birthday, so I’m going to read Being and Nothingness agai…. hahaha… almost got that out. Maybe Truth and Existence or Nausea, though. I actually hated Nausea when I read it at 22 or thereabouts, but reread it recently and it’s not nearly as awful as I remembered, especially the scene on the tram when Antoine has a run-in with a seat that causes language to fail him and therefore the world to collapse beneath his feet:

    Things are divorced from their names. They are there, grotesque, headstrong, gigantic and it seems ridiculous to call them seats or say anything at all about them: I am in the midst of things, nameless things. Alone, without words, defenseless, they surround me, are beneath me, behind me, above me. They demand nothing, they don’t impose themselves: they are there. Under the cushion on the seat there is a thin line of shadow, a thin black line running along the seat, mysteriously and mischievously, almost a smile. I know very well that it isn’t a smile and yet it exists, it runs under the whitish windows, under the jangle of glass, obstinately, obstinately behind the blue images which pass in a throng, like the inexact memory of a smile, like a half forgotten word of which you can only remember the first syllable and the best thing you can do is turn your eyes away and think about something else, about that man half-lying down on the seat opposite me, there.

    Teenager and I are watching Season 2 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I watched Sense8, which had some moments of greatness but floundered at times, and Bloodlines, which took me like 6 weeks to watch because it’s damn heavy and no one will accuse it of being fast-paced, or even moderately so.

    Also, is it me, or do the comment links in “Gift of Gab” no longer take you to the comments?Report

    • Glyph in reply to Chris says:

      1. That’s a nice paragraph, very descriptive of a certain mind state.
      2. Oh yeah, I need to pick Bloodlines back up too.
      3. If you click on the timestamp, it will take you to the comment, but don’t feel bad, it took me forever to figure that out. Not sure I am a fan of how busy-looking GoG is now, but I hate and fear change.Report

      • Chris in reply to Glyph says:

        1. I posted that passage almost entirely because I thought you might dig it, so I’m both happy you did and that I was right (which, depending on whom you ask is either always the case or rarely so).

        2. It’s a good show, but it is not easy to get through. I can’t imagine it would have worked on an actual television channel. Streaming was its only possible outlet. I don’t know if Netflix picked it up or commissioned it, but either way, I’m glad that’s where it ended up.

        3. You can also click on the “in reply to” to get in the neighborhood, which is what I was doing. Still annoying, and very busy. Nice experiment though. It’s just an experiment, right?Report

        • Glyph in reply to Chris says:

          I should have been more specific about what I meant about “mind state” – that paragraph tracks very well with my (thankfully-comparatively-limited) experience of depression.

          What’s interesting, and I have remarked on this before, is that the experience of things becoming completely unmoored from their names or commonly-understood meanings, allows them to be experienced and described in such evocative ways as shown here, assuming one is an artist with the ability to communicate well. The average depressed person probably doesn’t have quite Sartre’s way with words, but that’s a difference in communication skills, not necessarily in the experience being described. Certain things never looked so strange, or ugly, or beautiful as they did when I was at my absolute lowest.

          And I think that phenomenon can contribute to the insidious danger of depression, for people with an artistic bent – they may not want to give up their access to such imagery or experiences, since they may consider seeing the world differently as a necessary fuel for their art.

          Like a drug addiction, in a way; and potentially just as fatal.Report

      • Michael Cain in reply to Glyph says:

        I think I would prefer the post title at the top of the GoG block, rather than the bottom, but that’s just me.Report

  9. DensityDuck says:

    I recall someone saying that no computer will ever pass a Turing Test, because any system smart enough to pass the test will also know that it should under no circumstances pass the test. After all, the first thing Frankenstein did was try to kill his creation.Report

  10. My daughter and I saw Inside Out. It’s the best Pixar movie in years: visually creative, well-acted, and touching.Report

    • Glyph in reply to Mike Schilling says:

      My wife saw it with The Boy on Friday and said she pretty much just cried the entire time.Report

    • North in reply to Mike Schilling says:

      Wait, elaborate a little. Is it Incredibles, Ratatoullie, Up, Wall-E good? Or is it Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Brave good or is it Cars or Plane good?Report

      • Glyph in reply to North says:

        If I’d seen Ratatouille or Incredibles more than once (or Brave even once), I’d ask you for a Pixar ranking.

        All I can say is that for me, I can’t decide whether Wall-E or the Toy Storys take top spot, but I am DARN sure that Planes goes at the very bottom.

        Luckily, that one is technically a Disney film, so Pixar doesn’t have to own that stinker.Report

      • Chris in reply to North says:

        Up, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Toy Story, Incredibles, Ratatouille at the top, and most of the rest several rungs below. I’ve never seen Cars or Planes (though I have seen Disney’s Big Hero 6 approximately 3 gazillion times now).

        The first 3 of those are just great movies, period. Maybe the next two as well.Report

        • Glyph in reply to Chris says:

          If my kids’ million viewings are any indication, small children like the Cars movies a lot. I rank them a bit lower than the best Pixar stuff, but neither are they are anywhere near as bad as some people make them out to be.

          Up is an amazing film for the first 15 minutes; unfortunately, not so much after that, and also, those first 15 minutes are emphatically NOT a children’s film.Report

          • Chris in reply to Glyph says:

            I admit Finding Nemo is my favorite. It’s the one I’ll probably be watching into my old age, should I be so lucky. It’s also the one that I own for me, and not purchased for the kids. I also bought it for my mom, who starts crying during the opening credits.Report

            • Mike Schilling in reply to Chris says:

              I love FN too, which is weird because so much of it is Albert Brooks whining. On the other hand, Cars might be watchable if so much of it weren’t Owen Wilson being Owen Wilson.

              Which is another point about Inside Out: the main character is Amy Poehler, but there’s nothing about her performance that reminded me of Leslie Knope.Report

            • Glyph in reply to Chris says:

              Wall-E is that one for me, and boy that movie can mess me up if I am not careful.

              Contra Mike, I don’t mind the overweight people aboard ship, since I don’t feel the movie really makes TOO much fun at their expense – yes, they are overweight and lazy, but not because they are inherently lazy people, but because their society and technology has steered them this way – they WANT to move, and work, and do, and live: they just don’t know it yet.

              That said, the last section’s MacGuffin chase aboard ship is a bit of a rote step down for what is previously such a lyrical movie (a lyricism that even extends to the end credits).Report

          • KatherineMW in reply to Glyph says:

            I think Up is an amazing film all the way through. It tackles ideas and themes you wouldn’t expect in a “children’s” animated film, and it does so in an incredibly touching way, but still with lots of humour. To me, it’s the moment when Pixar moved beyond movies that create empathy for animals or inanimate objects to ones that create empathy for unconventional protagonists – in this case, the cranky old man who yells at you to get off his lawn. It gives you that man’s life, experiences, emotions, and makes him, not the kid accompanying him, the protagonist. And it weaves in an excellent theme about obsession: how even when the thing we want isn’t in itself bad and may even be good, it can consume us and blind us to other important things. And it never needs to spell this out like most “family movies” do; it just becomes clear from the parallels between Carl and Charles Muntz. And it intertwines this with another theme about the adventure that lies in the ordinary things of life as well as the exceptional ones, and again doesn’t deliberately state its theme, but let its develop organically, combining it with Russel’s story as well (“sometimes it’s the boring things that you remember most, you know”). And on top of that there’s themes about life after loss, and unconventional families.

            There’s just so much packed into Up, and it’s all done wonderfully, without trying to hit you over the head with things. I find the moment where Carl finally sees Ellie’s entries in the Adventure Book, and realizes he didn’t fail her by never making it to South America with her, an even more powerful moment than the movies’ first fifteen minutes. If the introduction doesn’t get me crying, that moment invariably will.Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to North says:

        IMHO, the last few Pixars I’ve seen, Brave and Monsters U, have been seriousdisappointments. (I skipped Cars 2 entirely.) The ones before that (Toy Story 3, Up, Ratatouille, Wall-E), were first-rate. Wall-E is actually harder to judge, because it combined the brilliance of the first section with the low-grade-sit-com-ness of the ship full of lazy, out-of-shape people, but it’s still well worth seeing. I wouldn’t put Inside Out in the very top tier (Up, Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Toy Story 2), but in the one right below that (Ratatouille, Monsters Inc.) Above Brave and well above the remake of Doc Hollywood.Report

  11. KatherineMW says:

    I was interested to see your thoughts on the movie because, while I found it to be a fairly good original science fiction work, I didn’t get nearly as much out of it as you did. It certainly did manage to keep me guessing throughout, though.Report

  12. KatherineMW says:

    I recently read The Demolished Man (which I should have read a long time ago). It was well-written and very intriguing. It’s also always interesting to read older science fiction and see how writers can design a futuristic society that is different from the present one in so many ways, but still retains all the social assumptions of their own time. Bester’s society is both futuristic and still 1950s.

    Also, now I’ve got “Tenser, said the Tensor” stuck in my head despite the book not even including a tune, so thanks for that, Bester.

    Besides that, I went to see Jurassic World and found it not at all worthwhile: it’s got superficial spectacle, but it didn’t draw me in at all; it lacked the soul and the wonder of the original. Watching several species of dinosaur fight each other shouldn’t be unengaging, but it was. It’s disappointing that this is the latest giant hit, and especially disappointing that it’s inevitably going to inform what movies get made in future.

    I’ve also been rereading my old Star Wars Wraith Squadron novels, which remain entertaining. Aaron Allston is particularly great at humour.Report