My Three Sons

Rose Woodhouse

Elizabeth Picciuto was born and reared on Long Island, and, as was the custom for the time and place, got a PhD in philosophy. She freelances, mainly about disability, but once in a while about yeti. Mother to three children, one of whom is disabled, two of whom have brown eyes, three of whom are reasonable cute, you do not want to get her started talking about gardening.

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9 Responses

  1. mark boggs says:

    You’re a good egg, Rose. I like you…and your kids.Report

    • Rose Woodhouse in reply to mark boggs says:

      Mark, that is nice of you to say. The kiddos are excellent eggs. And I can usually tolerate me pretty well.

      When James was first diagnosed, everything I read written by parents of similar kids was with this kind of super upbeat and/or religious gloss. I felt pretty alienated. I think parenting is in itself a part of life worth writing about, and parenting with a kid with disabilities is something that other parents of similar really seek out. And I think (or hope) other people find it interesting too.Report

  2. James Hanley says:


    I see a lot in here that is so relevant to parenting of typical kids, my three daughters for instance, in terms of the relationship between them. Especially the idea of giving each one time out with a parent by themselves. My kids love getting a chance to go out for lunch with just mom or just dad. I think most kids from multiple kid families really need that occasionally, and I could see a sibling of a special needs kid needing it even more. And also the dynamics between the kids. Not that I don’t think the specific challenges you face are harder, but in some ways they’re not really so different in kind, it appears. Your kids sound great (almost as good as mine!), and as a parent I really appreciate these windows into the life of a parent with a special needs kid. Thanks for being so willing to share that with us, and please continue to do so.Report

    • Rose in reply to James Hanley says:

      Thanks for saying you like reading about it. Especially now that I have two typical kids, I definitely agree it’s a matter more of degree than kind. The differences that stand out are: going out in public, activity limitations (fewer hiking and skiing trips, say), exaggerated attention differences due to medical issues and therapies, and the hope that some may care for one. But when we’re all at home together, and everybody is fighting, playing, etc., it doesn’t feel like it’s significantly different. Or so I guess.Report

  3. zic says:

    I’d like my children to be the sort of people who feel that they should take care of their brother.

    I love this. I’ve come to believe the things we want for our children have strange power. If we want things — be a doctor, lawyer, be rich, be successful etc. — they’re bound to fail us, for they need to find their own path. But when we envision them being some way — honest, caring, fair — we carry that into our interactions, we help shape their moral foundations. And more often then not, they not only embrace our dreams, they often exceed them.Report

    • Rose in reply to zic says:

      I agree, zic!Report

    • Mike Dwyer in reply to zic says:

      We have a program at work where we have a group of people with disabilities come in and do low-skilled work for us in the warehouse. Building boxes, putting together warranty packets, etc. One of our employees is a man in his late 40s with a mental disability, very friendly and high-functioning. His parents are both gone now but the man was blessed to be one of a family of 11 kids. He has five brothers and five sisters and to hear him talk they all spend time with him. He just gushes about them all the time. It’s very nice to see.Report

  4. North says:

    Marvellous Rose. All three of your childred are lucky to have ya for a Mum. And we’re all lucky to have you sharing your musings online with us.Report