Portrait of the blogger as a young man

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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32 Responses

  1. Steve the hyena says:

    Wait. You weren’t a professional blogger before?Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    Oooh, good luck! (I’m sure it’s terrifying and freeing at the same time!)Report

  3. leviramsey says:

    I’d comment @ Forbes if Forbes made signing on and commenting, you know, actually work.Report

  4. Plinko says:

    Congrats and good luck, Erik!

    Any progress on a more user-friendly comment system at Forbes? I suppose I should just suck it up and register, I do enjoy your Forbes blog.Report

  5. Bon chance, mon ami!  Also, get Forbes to fix its commenting system!Report

  6. RTod says:

    Good luck and God’s speed!

    But out of curiosity, what type of work did you do up until today?Report

  7. David says:

    I guess that Forbes gig is panning out better than the toe-dipping over at Cole’s place?

    Who’da guessed it?!?  🙂Report

  8. tarylcabot says:

    you will be missed – but inquiring minds want to know if this puts you above the poverty line?Report

    • wardsmith in reply to tarylcabot says:

      Posted on another thread but bloggers can make money.

      Online Infopreneurs:  Bloggers making over $380,000 a year are a dime a dozen.  Here are some that make the list: Heather Armstrong (Dooce), Darren Rowe (Pro Blogger), Michael Arrington (Tech Crunch), Pete Cashmore (Mashable), John Chow (John Chow), J. Shoemoney (Shoemoney), Perez Hilton (Perez Hilton), Ben Huh (Cheezeburger Network), Peter Rojas (Gizmodo), Leo Babauta (Zen Habits), and many top personal finance bloggers.  There are hundreds more that we’ve never heard of.

      Here’s hoping that you manage to parlay your blogging into membership in the 1% club and then continually face cognitive dissonance as your liberal side argues with your libertarian one. 😉Report

  9. David Ryan says:

    I got my first  W-2 in 1985, for the nine weeks I spent washing dishes and bussing table at a deli in Ashland OR.

    I didn’t get another one until 2003 when we re-organized as a an S-corp (for favorable treatment of employee benefits, not income tax, ward is a dickhead blowhard incompetent fool, blah blah blah) and I became an employee of the corporation.

    Full-time employment for someone else is vastly overrate. In fact, it’s a racket designed to separate you from the one thing you truly own: the number of times you’re going to go around the flaming ball of hydrogen we call “the sun”.


  10. wardsmith says:

    LOL, you try so hard Ryan and still come up so short. You’re welcome to dissemble at any length desired on how my correction of your quote below was wrong, unfair, dickheaded, incompetent and so on blah blah blah to you too Mr. Dickfor.

    (for favorable [TAX] treatment of employee benefits, not income tax, ward is a dickhead blowhard incompetent fool, blah blah blah)Report

  11. This is good news. I’m looking forward to your increased output. And congratulations on being able to play videogames again.Report

  12. E.C. Gach says:

    I second all the congratulatory sentiments.  Also, I’m curiouis, what kind of graduate work are you possibly looking into (or was that sarcastic?  my irony filters are horribly deficient).Report

  13. J.L. Wall says:

    Parents, let this be a warning: once your children put on that damned bowler hat, strutting around Dublin with an eyepatch and ashplant can only be, at most, a few years away.  Pretty soon they’ll be shacking up in castles with pompous medical students and Englishmen who hunt tigers while sleepwalking.  Act now — once it gets that far, it’s too late to help.Report